
Nov 21, 2015 19:58

The Man Who Wants to Crowdfund a New Nation for Refugees
Jason Buzi, a real-estate investor, has an unusual proposal that he hopes will get people thinking about practical solutions to the migrant crisis.

There are several disparate responses to this that I've seen across the webs. Some stick out as relatively reasonable, while others are batshit insane. It's up to you towards which you'd tend to gravitate. So please share your impressions on the matter.

"I think if the interest of the developed countries doesn't cause conflicts in the developing countries, there wouldn't be a need for a refugee country. My question is, what kind of a country would this be? Who would run it and how? What if this refugee country becomes another hellhole and people still want to come to Europe and America?"
"Nice to see somebody with wealth and a conscience trying to solve a massive humanitarian problem. Also nice to see the Aussies denouncing the idea when they prefer to leave refugees floating on boats in the sea. Although a stupid idea, I find it amusing that the Australian prime minister is slagging it off when they stick all migrants on an island, and then warn staff that if abuse is reported (whether sexual or physical), they will be sacked and prosecuted".
"This bloke is just trying to make life better for other people. It's a kinder venture than people are giving him credit for. He's recognized that these people are leaving their homes only to get to new places to find out there is nowhere for them. They're then being exploited into illegal unemployment and sometimes even worse. What he is trying to do is make a place where they can go and be safe. It's not well thought out but it is a crisis that needs an answer and bless him for trying and putting his own money into creating an answer".
"Just shows you that even if you have money, that does not make you intelligent. Has he got even the slightest idea what would be required to start a nation-state from scratch? It's never been done before, so the challenges are enormous. Infrastructure, the issue of language and culture which would probably make this new nation state to resemble a warzone within a year or two. People will point to Israel as an example (and not a very good one), but they would be wrong. Israel was formally Palestine and therefore had all the elements necessary for the creation of a nation-state that had been developed over thousands of years. This guy should leave these matters to people who truly understand them, and are not willing to jump in headlong and mess up other people's lives".
"The issue we should be addressing is, why are there all these refugees? I suggest that a very large majority are due to a local clash of civilizations. Modern technology, communications and easy transportation make local populations aware of what is happening in the developed countries, and more susceptible to the influence and societal changes that modern technology initiates. The people who embrace modern technology leave their native land for 1st world nations on the hope that they can begin a life in a 1st world nation. Modern technology has made it easier for those resisting the changes to hold to power, driving those that want change out. Rather than founding a new nation of refugees it would be better to give the forces for change a helping hand to remove the reasons to leave. That would be a more productive method of resolving the refugee crisis than rounding them up and putting them on an island somewhere."
"Man, this a great idea. There needs to be an Island for all convicted murder prisoners as well. People in prison live way better than refugees. We could use the prison for temporary housing for refugees. Help them until they can return to homeland shores. Prisoners can get a food drop by air. They could fight for the food to survive. No doubt this is sick but..."

utopia, hypothesis, immigration

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