Teh Friday gramm3r N@zi. Most annoying spelling errors?

Nov 28, 2014 20:36

They say these are just typos. "I was typing in a hury, I dont usualy do that eror". But then you see they actually do usually do the same error.

Does that annoy the crap out of ya? Or do you just say "Meh, it can happen to anyone"? Is the cause of endemic grammar fail a bit deeper than mere haste in typing? Perhaps profound lack of literacy? What say you?

Anyway, back to the question. Which are the typos and spelling errors that you encounter the most often, and which are the ones that annoy you the most? Some examples...

- Restroom's / Restrooms
- To / Too / Two
- Then / Than
- There / Their; You're / Your; Our's / Ours; Its / It's
- Definately, Defiantley; Rediculous; Independant; Existance; Seperate; Chalange
- Loose / Lose
- Wierd / Weird; Hieght / Height
- Effect / Affect
- Dinning; Shiping; Shiting
- Bizare, Bizzarre, Bizzare
- Basicly, Basicaly
- Disapoint, Dissapoint, Dissappoint
- Moneys, Fishes, Sheeps, Deers

offtopic, language, nonsense

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