Another Few Days, Another...

Jun 10, 2014 11:56

Whoops! Let's see now, it's been just a few days since I posted the op and -- well -- another week, another shooting, this time in Las Vegas.

And here's what I find especially fascinating about it; The husband and wife shooting team who the other day bravely gunned down two lunching police officers and then stormed a Walmart before killing themselves were among those who were complaining about how gosh-darned silly us "gun grabbers" are for objecting to civilians wandering around showing off their guns in public.

Wonkette’s comment is the best: “They think people should not be scared of other people just because they have guns. I mean, what’s gonna happen, are they going to KILL THEM?”

Seriously, I think many of those attempting to normalize civilians openly walking around with guns are guilty of a profoundly nasty form of bad faith. They like the idea of people not instantly calling the cops when they see someone walking down the street with a Bushmaster, but not just because the police might disrupt those casual strolls. They really don’t want the police disrupting what they’d actually like to do with those guns once they walked into a crowded place with them.

A gunfight, after all, is the only “argument” some of these folks can imagine winning.

By the way, looks like I need to amend the title of my original OP.

Another few days, another shooting.

gun laws, safety

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