So much with the "hospitable nation" myth

Apr 29, 2014 13:34

Hey, fellow indifferent popcorn-munchers conscientious peace-lovers! Here's a tale for ya. "We're one of the most hospitable, amorous and warm-hearted people in the world", the communist propaganda used to teach us Bulgars back in the good days of old.

Well, not so fast. Here's one "example" that I don't recommend anyone emulating:

Asylum Seekers Summarily Expelled

Bulgaria's Rozovo Inhabitants 'Discriminate' Refugees - Ombudsman

Caption: "Is our fabled hospitality a myth, after all?"
Three Syrian families. I mean, yeah. THREE Syrian families had rented a couple of apartments in a village. And the local villagers (mind you, the word has a fairly negative connotation over here, meaning backward, retrograde, redneck-types) summarily expelled them. Why? Because "those people are barbarians, they're cannibals" (quote). Bottom-line: they're brown people, they look odd and speak funny. So their place ain't here, ya know!

Evgeniy Daynov: Expulsion of Syrians in Rozovo Disgrace for Bulgaria

Well, first things first, a bit of a nitpick here. This so-called "expert" should get their use of terms straight. It has always bugged me that words like 'fascism' tend to get tossed around waaay too arbitrarily. Fascism is basically the merging of the state with big business, to form an authoritarian right-wing system of government and social organization. This thing here is not exactly it. It's actually worse. Because it runs much closer to the roots of society. It's sheer ignorant bigotry permeating this society, it's blind, naked racism and xenophobia. It's pure hatred, and as such, it's a disgrace to our nation, and yet another confirmation that we've hit rock bottom, morality-wise.

The fact that those ignorant idiots didn't seem to mind English people moving to their village whenever they wanted (or even Ukrainian "refugees", if those ever happen to request asylum), as opposed to those brown Syrians (regardless of the fact that Syria has long maintained very close relations of mutual benefit with our country through the years, and many Syrians consider Bulgaria their second homeland after having stayed here and studied here, in exchange of our workers spending time there to help build their infrastructure and health-care system) - is not helping much in this respect, either.

In fact, I'd argue that we've reached the spiritual, moral and overall civilizational bottom, way back during the so-called Transition years between communism and whatever our current system is supposed to be called (I dunno, oligarchism? thugocracy?) That process of degradation has been ongoing (and deepening) over the last couple decades and a half, following a downward spiral into moral, spiritual and intellectual decadence. It may well just be that the media, whether they like it or not, have been compelled to start reporting on this process a bit more adequately as of late, since its symptoms have already become too prevalent to be ignored. That is, they report on it whenever they can find some time between their endless mindless commercials, idiotic reality shows, insignificant junk pseudo-news, and gossip about celebs who are "famous because they're, well, famous". And of course the never-ending stream of criminal chronicles.

But you know what the most shocking thing about the news coverage of this debacle was? Out of the whole village of Rozovo, it took just one little girl to ask the question, "But, but what would happen to all those [foreign] people if they don't have a home?" A naively sounding question at a first glance, but one hiding an enormous amount of truth. Truth we may not enjoy looking into. Since a little child is the one voice of reason in this whole shitstorm, you can imagine how deep we've dug ourselves at this point. Out of a whole herd village, a little girl happens to be the most sober thinker. This is scary, my folks.

...And then we're so very surprised that the Europeans don't want us, and want to shut their gates right under our nose?

But don't you worry, m'dear Bulgars! I'm sure pretty soon that kid will have its brain washed as well. Let's talk with her in, say, 10 years, and see how she'll be speaking then (if capable of completing a 5+ word sentence at all), and what her opinions will be (if any). That is, in case she can speak through her botox lips, which will certainly be a generous gift from mommy for coming of age (along with her brand new fake boobs).

Kill me, but I won't be able to tell you why I keep living in this place anymore. It feels like a whole unbearably heavy world of darkness and barbarism is constantly closing in around an ever shrinking minority of normal people who are still in their right mind and who are no longer seen as the norm, but rather a dispensible curiosity whose days are numbered anyway.

discrimination, balkans, xenophobia

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