The Devil went to a Hell called Georgia

Feb 24, 2014 22:56

Welcome to the South-lands, home of Saltines, Paula Deens and flaming Queens (at least in Atlanta)! Here in the quasi-liberal yet corporate controlled island of 'only part insane' citizens called The ATL we have a full blown GOP McFeast of Eating their Young (a favorite past time of the Georgia Red State Leadership). Get ready to clutch your pearls, girls!

Introducing one very wet behind the ears Representative Sam Moore (R-Regretting it). Sam won a run off a few weeks ago when Cherokee County (R-Very White) lost their representative Calvin Hill to a bad case of death.

No, not this Calvin Hill

Sam "Let me See how many people in power I can piss off" Moore

So what did Sam do to cause a rash of pearl clutching? It involves dropping bills about "child molestefilers" and legally killing cops.

The first bill proposes eliminating Georgia’s statutes that make loitering and prowling crimes, and would strip language from Georgia code that prohibits convicted sex offenders from hanging around schools and other places where children gather.  The second bill would allow citizens to “use deadly force against law enforcement officers who attempt violent entry into home without first knocking and announcing identity and purpose.

Anger by the Status Quo was both Swift and Terrible like the coming of a Lord.

Our Dome of Gold and Righteous Indignation, representation optional add on.

The status quo all fell on their swords while shouting from the Dome of Gold. Most of leadership (R-Very White)  including Majority Leader Larry O’Neil, Rules Chairman John Meadows (who indicated that he held the ability to keep any legislation ever proposed by Moore from reaching the House floor - and he likely would do that.), and GOP Caucus Chairman Matt Hatchett led off a group of roughly a dozen members who wanted to make sure that the bill neither reflected the values of the Republican party, nor the House or state as a whole. Much harrumphing was harrumphed. Talk of pedophiles (not what he was talking about) and killing police (how DARE a citizen have the affirmative right to defend themselves from no knock no announce warrant executions) was labeled dead, buried and radioactive for another decade. Bull shit. We call it 'kicking the can'.

Oh and the loitering bill? Loitering was enacted as a crime oh, about 125 years ago and was directed exclusively to harass African Americans. Pedophiles and people who, you know, have SEX with underage people will not be allowed around kids; we already have laws for that. Sex offenders are people like 16 year old who have sex with their 15 year old girlfriends, or the guy caught pissing in the bushes where a child 'might see' a little weener. They are not pedophiles. With the rash of dog and human killings by 'accident' while the police always get a pass, it's about time to make judges and DAs think about blindly issuing warrants because of possibly sending an officer to a minor crime scene with full military gear.

Even the "Liberty" representatives are lining up to ass lick the status quo, burying this guy  and another status quo fighter Charles Gregory (R-GoodGuy) into irrelevance. It is this knee jerk wagon circling I find contemptible about the whole thing. Something about Obamacare, it's ALWAYS about Obamacare in The Land of the Clueless.

In my opinion, these were good concept bills that could have had language worked in committee. I believe he fire-branded the wording because he knew that, unless it involves children with heroin, any PR is good PR. Most of leadership all gave thousands to his opponent, and lost. So I believe they are demanding their pound of flesh. They would have shunned him even if he had introduced no bills. And I find that concept of power corrupt and disturbing as fuck. This clearly demonstrates why the incumbents must be retired by the people, by vote or point of a sword.

Do you have any examples of newly elected officials in your area who 'screwed the pooch' as we say in The South, so quickly into their career?

satire, legislation, sex crime

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