Liberals can be so irritating!

Mar 15, 2013 10:23

opinion/ This is why I do not call myself a LIBERAL

what. the. hell???

Have we turned into a nation of sheeple? Baaaaaaaaaa prooooooootecccctttttttttttt usssssssssssss from the littttttttttleee kniiiiiiiiivvvvvvvessssss.

As the TSA finally shows some common sense in priorities and resource allocation, flight attendants and various wetty pant's suddenly all 'have friends that were slit ear to ear on 9/11'

this is so sickening and unacceptable. One of my dear friends, had her throat slit with a knife on flight 93!! How dare you put all us flight attendants back into danger by allowing knives back on the airplanes??? This is despicable that you would do will make our airplanes less safe, and we want to have you reconsider this and throw it out. NO KNIVES and or any other weapons needed!!! PLEASE!

And then there is this jewel:

As flight attendant I find it ridiculous that you would allow an instrument that could lead to my death and many others on board a plane.

Do tell? Does business class still have metal eating utensils? How heavy is that coffee pot, and could it indeed be a deadly weapon if whooped up side your pumpkin head? Ball point pins in the neck! Belts and bras can strangle you! And then..there are those pesky 'emergency exits'...

Look.. sheeple.... listen to me!

I think that life is a risk.The whole war on terror was a joke, anyway. There was only one day of attack, and that was not really an 'attack' by an enemy, than a 'statement'. Most risk of this magnitude is acceptable. The no-fly list should be the next to go.

If you don't like the risks of the job, no one is keeping you there but YOURSELF. /opinion

What do you think?

security, nonsense

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