In today's news of the Pavlovian Reflex, conservatives call Holocaust sensible because Obama calls i

Feb 01, 2013 06:38 is rather ghoulish, I admit, but the fundamental principle here, of literally opposing the most barbaric and evil things being called barbaric and evil just because President Obama says they're senseless and evil is actually quite ( Read more... )

nazism, gop

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dexeron February 1 2013, 14:34:55 UTC
JESUS. That whole: "Conservatives would defend Nazis if Obama said he was against them" was a JOKE. It was a hyperbolic exaggeration to highlight the extremism of modern conservative punditry. IT WASN'T A SUGGESTION.

American politics has actually reached the point of such knee-jerk reactionism that Obama stating: "Nazis were bad" actually makes Conservatives say: "Hmm, can we work an angle here where we can kind-of defend the Nazis?"


underlankers February 1 2013, 14:38:03 UTC
Yep. That's about the size of it.


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underlankers February 1 2013, 15:03:41 UTC
I'm not even sure it's that. I think it's more basically indicating that because creating murder factories and concepts like the Hunger Plan and the other atrocities of the Nazis made sense to the Nazis, they could not be senseless. Which is about as dubious a logic as anything I've ever heard. This 'logic' could rehabilitate people like say, Andrea Yates or other serial killers who had delusions that in killing others they were doing the right thing.

Past a certain point, mass murder is always inexcusable. Millions of deaths are that point.


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underlankers February 1 2013, 15:08:23 UTC
Yeah, I know, right? I just have a hard time fathoming how these people write this stuff and don't even notice when they're saying that Nazis saying Jews weren't Germans was actually somehow making sense. Because Moses Mendelsohn and Fritz Haber are totally not-German, nor was Walter Rathenau. >.<

Has nobody heard of editing things anymore?


yes_justice February 1 2013, 21:47:03 UTC
That crap pile has no valid point to be gleaned by any editor.

Yes, the germans were humans. Next.


underlankers February 1 2013, 22:03:46 UTC
What makes the whole Nazi ideology really an example of insanity and senselessness are those two people I mentioned. No Haber, Germany runs out of ammo in six months, max. No Rathenau? Germany has no money. The two are literally the major figures that prolonged Germany's war. And their thanks for it? Haber was exiled and Rathenau murdered by Freikorps. Even by the illogical standards of racism, Jew-hatin' has always had a special degree of nonsense about it.


yes_justice February 1 2013, 22:29:33 UTC
Thank you for the information.


dexeron February 1 2013, 15:54:39 UTC
What kills me is that this is the kind of thing that comes from a crowd that crows the most about the danger of Nazis and Hitler arising again. It says something about the mindset going on here, where the thought processess are. I want to ask them to consider WHY they are so damn obsessed with making Hitler comparisons all the time. Maybe there's the slightest bit of projection going on here. Well, that, and also a healthy dose of just plain racism.


underlankers February 1 2013, 17:33:10 UTC
Yes, especially when there's the obvious candidate for evil left-wing murderous dictator whose name never gets used with a fraction of the vehemence that the guy with the Charlie Chaplin mustache's name does. Besides calling someone who really is a modern-day Communist a Stalinist is like going into a Christianity community and saying 'Arians were totally awesome and the Catholic Church was a meanie who slaughtered them all, your religion sucks, so there.' And then sitting back with the popcorn to watch the ensuing mess.


yes_justice February 1 2013, 21:45:06 UTC
demand they are held to account for it

Like in camps or something.


yes_justice February 1 2013, 21:40:22 UTC


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