In today's news of the Pavlovian Reflex, conservatives call Holocaust sensible because Obama calls i

Feb 01, 2013 06:38

This is rather ghoulish, I admit, but the fundamental principle here, of literally opposing the most barbaric and evil things being called barbaric and evil just because President Obama says they're senseless and evil is actually quite appropriate for Friday LULZ. The idea of simply opposing everything someone says is going to lead to absurdities like this. And no, what they're calling sensible is not sensible at all. Anyone who says it is has very little idea of the immense problems involved in the so-called sensible aspect here.

I shall let this quote stand on its own, bolding only two important phrases:

Nazism may have been an ideology to which the United States was - and to which the president is - implacably opposed, but it is hardly “senseless.” By the early 1930s, the Nazi party had hundreds of thousands of devoted members and repeatedly attracted a third of thevotes in German elections; its political leaders campaigned on platform comprising 25 non-senseless points, including the “unification of all Germans,” a demand for “land and territory for the sustenance of our people,” and an assertion that “no Jew can be a member of the race.” Suffice it to say, many sensible Germans were persuaded.

Pat Buchanan couldn't have said it better. Sometimes the stupid just writes itself.

nazism, gop

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