Glenn Beck comments, part 3

Nov 09, 2012 22:33

I know I should stop reading these, but I just can't get enough. Here's more choice bits from commenters to the stories on Glenn Beck's page post-Obama's election.

- The government will try to arrest Beck at some point, we should form a citizen guard so that they have to kill us to get to Glenn.
- George Soros paid Hannity, Limbaugh, and O'Reilly not to talk about the benefit Bush's tax cuts had on the economy.
- The Republicans will continue to lose as long as they keep leaning too far to the left.
- Women in the workplace has led to the downfall of families.
- There are many Democrats who will vote Republican and are in hiding due to the "insanity" of the Democratic party.
- Romney lost due to Marxist propaganda that misstated the Republican views.
- Rather than cater to minorities, the GOP needs to attack them more, otherwise they will feel patronized.
- The correct way to get more minorities to vote Republican is to not talk about race.
- Boehner is actually a Democrat, he's just pretending to be Republican because he wants the power of the Speaker of the House.
- Obama won because Voter ID laws were not passed.
- Hurricane Sandy was a warning from God of the true punishment that would come if we rejected Him by electing Obama.
- The US was given to Americans by God, He simply allowed the Indians to live there until we came. It's not correct to say we took America from the Indians.

This is all from one article! Although I was actually surprised to see that some of the commenters wrote fairly insightful and reasonable things about Romney's loss and what the GOP needed to do moving forward.

But the number one, not really that funny, thing that I see over and over again on these comments is the idea that Obama was re-elected because people want government assistance because they're too lazy to work. I haven't heard a single person make this argument on the Democratic side.

glenn beck, gop, bias, nonsense

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