Y, O, Y, R U hatin' on teh Gifted Venus, tho'!?

Mar 05, 2012 15:04

Greetings, dear prudish puritans open-minded modern folks! See, a statue of Venus that was recently erected in the center of the city of Varna (yeah, yeah, we've all been talking about Varna these days, OKAY??) has caused a huge uproar in the local community. BUT WHY? Because the sculptor seemed to have made a prank (mistake? coincidence? non-issue?) by adding something like a... well, see for yourself what he added there:

Yeah, yeah, I get it. She has something between her legs. A pleat of her toga or something. But NO, the local folks who are always so exemplary in their mores (especially during summer when their city is flooded with horny half-naked tourists from all around the world) were CONVINCED it was something far less innocent.

Thus, the "scandalous" statue was first hidden behind a screen of plate iron "so that little kids wouldn't see it", and then the municipal authorities decided to remove it from the center altogether and relegate it to some obscure park where they dump old statues from the commie times. Good that at least they didn't decide to blow it up like the Taliban, after all. Oooh did I just say blow? :-D

Hmmm. And what did that ranking say about Varna? Loose morals and all that, huh? Seems like the prudes are still ruling that place, duh!

Actual article here (if you're intimate with Google Translator, that is... Umph, I just said intimate). *Goes away for a drink shaking his head*

What do those prudes know about ART? Hnh?

art, sex, balkans, nonsense, scandal

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