Man, I thought you guys were up to this task, you know? Talking about every damn thing under the sun, the rocks, and even under my buns (of steel!) I didn't think anything could get past you. If Arlen Specter accidentally wrote an "R" where should have been a "D" in his Yahoo Instant Messanger chat with Steny Hoyer, I figured you would be all up on that shit.
But I have not yet seen a post about the recent kerfluffle between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-URR)* and the CIA, principally its director, Leon Panetta. For those of you who don't know (so, eh, maybe
Pelosi claimed that the CIA misled her back in 2002 over the use of waterboarding. Meanwhile, the CIA insists that, ah, no, they didn't, and that she knew. Or the GOP is insisting that; I myself am getting a bit confused. Meanwhile,
there have been calls for Pelosi's ouster, some who either want her gone permanently or out of the House completely (like Newt Gingrich, although why anyone would listen to a blustery buffoon named after a small helpless amphibian I have no idea), some want her to
move aside temporarily, and of course, the GOP wants a full investigation into what Pelosi knew.
Can you say political blustering? "We must know what she knew and when she knew it!" Am I the only one who thinks this is a waste of time? Look, she knew it, you knew, everyone in Washington bloody knew it! Hell, if we were going to make people stand aside for "lying" or whatever, we'd have to fire the entire US Government! (No doubt some people would like that...) It's a bunch of hypocritical nonsense, and yet another nail in the coffin of my respect for the GOP. Which is something kind hard to do, consider said coffin is underneath twelve hundred tons of rock at the bottom of the Mariana Frickin` Trench!
But none of you have said anything about this. You disappoint me.
Here's the text of the GOP's probe resolution, to be introduced today. *Ever since
new_wave_witch posted
ladypolitik's "HURR" chart in response to
abomvubuso's anti-PF post, I've been addicted. I need an intervention. Hurr.
This USA Today editorial(?) apparently offers a good timeline of events.