Festivid Accomplished

Jan 03, 2013 09:22

I'm relieved to report that my Festivid assignment has been completed. I had a bit of a scare yesterday when it took multiple tries to get my computer to turn on, but it finally did, and then it performed like a champ for the rest of the night, long enough for me to get a first draft completed. I slapped some credits on that sucker and exported it as soon as I got the timeline filled in, so that if worst came to worst, I would have *something* to offer my recipient, even if it wasn't super polished. But then I took a look at the draft, and I actually love it just as it is (she says modestly), so I'm calling it done. I'm not even gonna get it beta'd. I know, I'm terrible. My recipient will receive this vid raw, straight and unfiltered from my brain to their eyes. Yeah!!! *giggles*

I've already uploaded it to my server space for safekeeping, and I'll upload it to the Festivid site when I get home. Whew! That's a load off my mind.

Now that I don't have to spend the upcoming weekend pulling all-nighters for my assignment, I'm thinking I might have time to squeeze out something for Escapade. I have a couple of works in progress already clipped, and one of them is a kind of humor/crack idea that might play well to an audience. I'll see if my computer continues to be the little engine that could.
I forgot to say thank you for my vgifts:
duskwillow, and
lilly_the_kid, thank you so much for thinking of me! *hugs*

escapade, festivids, vidding

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