Magnificent 7--Slash buffet, yes?

Nov 07, 2010 19:32

During Vividcon,
settiai totally sold me on Magnificent 7, and I've finally gotten around to watching the show. WOW. It's like a movable feast of slash yumminess isn't it? I hardly know which way to turn. So many potential pairings: you've got your Buck/J.D. mentor/protegé thing going on, Ezra the watery-eyed woobie/Nathan the gentle healer, Chris/Vin/Buck buddysex, Josiah/Nathan men of principles gettin' it on, etc., ad infinitum. I needs me some fic, like now. I did a quick Google search of "Magnificent 7 slash recs" but that didn't get me the sort Mag 7 primer/fic recs site I'm looking for. Does anyone have any pointers? Help your lazywebbing pal out, won't you? There might be a vid in for you, eventually. Hell, who am I kidding? There will be a vid. It's inevitable.

magnificent 7

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