A Handful of Recs

Dec 16, 2007 15:50

osiness has posted a stunning batch of multifandom and miscellaneous holiday icons (170 total!). So much to choose from and love. Exhibit A: the icon I'm posting with here. The rest can be found here. (probably not work-safe)

lapetite_kiki has a sexy-sweet Clark/Lex manip called "Necking" here. (probably not work-safe)

steammmpunk has posted a gorgeous Clark/Lex art called " ( Read more... )

smallville recs

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Comments 8

lapetite_kiki December 16 2007, 23:29:30 UTC
Awww... thanks for the pimp!


talitha78 December 17 2007, 16:51:41 UTC


ellyfanfic December 17 2007, 00:27:20 UTC
Awww. Thanks so much for the rec. You're very kind.

And thanks for pointing us toward lapetite_kiki's newest manip, too... I hadn't seen that one yet. Wow!


talitha78 December 17 2007, 16:52:12 UTC
You're very welcome. Thank you for writing such a great fic!


enderwiggin24 December 17 2007, 20:25:07 UTC
yes,yes,yes to all those recs....... it really feels like christmas, so many gorgous gifts!!!!


talitha78 December 18 2007, 02:16:30 UTC
It's wonderful--almost impossible to keep up with, though. What a burden we have as Clex fans. So much fic and art, so little time. ;)


taliosi_x December 18 2007, 03:43:56 UTC
I appreciate the rec too, T!


talitha78 December 19 2007, 02:54:07 UTC
You are most welcome! Thank you for the wonderful icons.


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