A Handful of Recs

Dec 16, 2007 15:50

osiness has posted a stunning batch of multifandom and miscellaneous holiday icons (170 total!). So much to choose from and love. Exhibit A: the icon I'm posting with here. The rest can be found here. (probably not work-safe)

lapetite_kiki has a sexy-sweet Clark/Lex manip called "Necking" here. (probably not work-safe)

steammmpunk has posted a gorgeous Clark/Lex art called "Men of Steel" here. (probably not work-safe)

mskatej has produced another one of her trademark, fun, romantic, and scorching-hot Clark/Lex fics. It's called "Let It Snow" and Part One (of two) can be found here.

ellyfanfiction appears to be new to the world of Clark/Lex (being primarily a Chloe/Clark writer), but that hasn't prevented her from writing one of the hottest fics I've read in recent memory. This is a fic that literally made me squirm in my seat--it hits my "seduced against all better judgment" kink. And it's the best kind of PWP: Porn With a Purpose. The sex brings fantastic character progress and insight. The most astonishing part of this fic is that it is set within season 7 canon and works. It works beautifully. It's a story in 6 parts, the sixth part of which, "Shattered," is still a WiP. But don't let that stop you. The other parts stand just fine on their own. You can begin the journey with "Power Play" here.

As always, if you see something you like, please feed the artists!

smallville recs

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