Aug 25, 2010 00:04
Tonight was my last concert of the summer. Matchy's 30th Anniversary Tour. And before anyone says anything about Matchy being old, SHH! I KNOW. At the moment he's twice my age, but I've liked him for years so I still think he's damned kakkoii. I finally got to hear him sing Midnight Shuffle and Mezamero Yasei live, as well as Zambara, both versions. Won't lie, I prefer Mitsu's version, but that's a totally biased opinion and I'm well aware of that.
Just for the Osaka shows, guitar legend and former Johnny's Nomura Yoshio came to perform. Back in the 80's, Matchy, Yocchan and one other person were grouped together. From what I understand, they weren't an official Johnny's unit, but were in the first Kinpachi Sensei together. Yocchan left Johnny's in 1990, but some of you might know one of the songs he's written and composed. Kanjani8's 一秒KISS anyone? Yep. It's so entertaining to see someone with Matchy at his own level instead of a sempai/kouhai thing. Yocchan made his own uchiwa that said マッチ on one side, and ぼくもよろしく on the other. haha... He was using it to fan himself while Matchy talked. But yeah. Because Yocchan was there, I got to hear the best acoustic version of アンダルシアに憧れて ever! Just Matchy, Yocchan on a slack key guitar, and a single violinist.
Anyway. Summer's coming to a close which is probably for the best. This summer was expensive! And not just because of the concerts and butai (12 of them), but just in general, I'm in the city more so I've been shopping.
*yawn* I guess I'm not updating my last post about the Kanju butai, nor am I writing fic tonight. Off to bed. G'night~!
g: dai-sempai,
concert: notes