Fic: The Giveaway

Feb 18, 2009 19:47

Title: The Giveaway
Author: talipuu
Pairing: Merlin / Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 550

Summary: Merlin returns to find the pickles are missing. Cue detective!Merlin with some unorthodox methods. Fluffy, a little cracky? Probably xD

Author's Note: I did research, I'm not completely insane, they apparently had pickled cucumbers (gerkins) in Ancient Greece, and Aristotle praised them for their healing effects or something. See, wikipedia excuses me to write crack. xD

Merlin was walking back towards Arthur's chambers with a spring in his step, arms laden with fresh bread from the kitchens that smelt delicious. It was two years to the day that Merlin and Arthur had met for the first time; and alright, admittedly that first meeting hadn't gone entirely smoothly, but a lot had changed since then, and Merlin had felt the day was worth celebrating this year. A recognition to the beginnings of destiny, coins and all that drivel, if you will.

The warlock opened the door to the Prince's chambers and shuffled inside, sparing a glance at Arthur still nestled in his chair by the roaring hearth, before walking over to the table and setting the bread down amongst the rest of their miniature feast he'd been preparing all afternoon.

Initially he'd wanted it to be a surprise, but lo and behold Arthur's timing had been impeccable as ever, returning early from his patrol with fresh scrolls tucked under his arm and orders from the king, coming face to face with a table half full of sumptuous looking food. He'd merely raised a questioning eyebrow, eyes shifting to look upon the smiling face of his lover. Suddenly realisation had seemed to dawn as he smiled in a way that was almost wistful, obviously covered up by a snort of laughter, before wandering over to his favourite chair in front of the fire and settling down to work with parchment and quill.

Merlin casts an assessing eye over the old wooden table. Something's missing.



"Where are the pickles?"

"What pickles?"

"The ones I put on the table."

"And I should know this because...?"

"Because you haven't left the room."

"Oh yes, sorry, I forgot about those eyes in the back of my head, Merlin."

The warlock rolls his eyes,

"They were right here!"

"Are you sure?"

"I kn- what?"

"Well," This time Arthur lifted his gaze to smile at his manservant in a way he must think is positively sweet and utterly charming, "maybe you just think you put them on the table, when infact you forgot, because we all know what a ditz you can be."

Merlin's eyes narrowed,

Oh, a ditz am I?

Arthur didn't even hear the other boy move before he's suddenly infront of him, towering over the chair. Arthur's about to open his mouth and protest about the shadow being cast over the scroll in his lap, when Merlin placed both hands on the sides of his face, tilted his head up and kissed him thoroughly.

Arthur, momentarily stunned, dropped all the very important paperwork on the floor and responded with vigour. Just as he was about to pull the warlock onto his lap and do unspeakable things to him, Merlin pulled back suddenly, hands still firmly on his face, just far enough away to glare into his eyes.

"Well, that was nice," Arthur said a little breathlessly, because really, it wasn't every day Merlin jumped him for no apparent reason.

"Yes, very, I do so enjoy pickled flavour kisses."

The prince's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open involuntarily,

"Why you little-"

And then suddenly Merlin was laughing, eyes twinkling in the firelight, and by god, if that smile wasn't Arthur's Achilles’ heel, as he's soon pulling him back down for a few more deliciously pickled kisses.


I was ill, and went to bed, and then the pickles plot bunny attacked me becuse you know, I am clearly insane, so I got up and wrote it down. And then I typed it up. And now I'm exhausted again so I'm crawling back into bed. And hopefully I won't dream of pickles. xD

fanfiction, merlin

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