Feb 09, 2009 19:11

Link leads to pretty major spoiler, I think I had a mild heart attack and I've only been watching this series for about 3 weeks and seen all of 4 whole episodes, so god knows what effect this will have on long-time fans of the show, I kid you not. BIG SPOILER, AVOID FOR NON -SPOILING. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. IN CAPSLOCK.


In other fandom news: Band of Brothers has stolen my life. I know I am like 8 years late to the party but 1. I would of been about 11? when this first came out, not really an appropriate age to watch it and 2. I am really glad I have waited until now because I feel I never would of properly appreciated it before.
Anyway: OMG I. CANNOT. EVEN. I swear I have never felt like this about a serial in my life, it is just...IDEK. It's awe inspiring, breathtakingly made and heartwrenching. It's everything a TV series should be; you aren't just watching it, your in it. The characters make you smile and break your heart in equal measure.
Honestly, it is the best thing I have ever watched in my life, and I mean above all TV series AND films. It is that good.
Plus Winters/Nixon (in a platonic way) may of stolen my heart and soul. All of it, quite possibly.

Back to Supernatural for a mo: GUH I LOVE THIS SHOW. I cannot believe I haven't seen it before. I am determined to buy seasons 1-3 boxset and just watch the whole lot, I swear I'm going to, even if it destroys my bank account. I HAVE TO. It's too good to miss. Plus those boyssss, oh thank you thank you thank you for filling the void left when Peter/Nathan were destroyed due to Kring's possible pot smoking and stupidity. ILU J2 ♥

In the real world: ok I don't want to talk about the real world really, it's not half as much fun. Just moved into semester 2 at college, pretty much lost my enthusiasm for it now but hopefully the web design projects we are about to start will kick start my love of it again, especially as I just ordered Dreamweaver so I won't fall behind. YAY!
Other things, hmm. Well, some other things aren't so good, but that is the nature of loving others. If you're going to withstand the fire then you're going to get burned. I'll never give up on the people I care about, I'm way too stubborn.  
My dog Molly has been pretty sick lately, she had a bad and quite rare infection in her eyes, but fortunately a course of eyedrops has done the trick and they are clearing up nicely. She kept throwing up last night though, we think it might of been to do with the other medication, but she could of also just eaten something bad on one of her walks, she does that, silly thing. She's not thrown up today, so hopefully she'll eat some dinner.

Well, not much else to report really, I really should pimp this LJ but I can't really be bothered, I barely even sign in on here tbh, I spend most of my time on colour_me_quick. I'm actually thinking about closing this one down and just turning CMQ into a semi-friends journal, seeing as I don't submit posts like this much and fanfic is few and far between for me. We shall see. ^_^

fandom, fangirling, easy company, winchester, random

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