So I watched the first episode of 'Demons' last night, going into it with a good outlook and an open mind.
My face looked this the whole way through:
and occasionally like this:
I didn't actually know until the credits came up that it's created by Johnny Capp and Julian Murphy, the team behind Merlin. Oh guys, how did it go so very wrong?
There was just nothing redeeming about it, not even Glenister whom I adore. He was clearly wrestling with the american accent, and because he was concentrating so hard on not slipping out of it (which he did anyway a couple of times) that it's like he couldn't deliver the lines with any emphasis, it was monotone.
As for Christian, he just looked like he couldn't be bothered.
The only "goodie" that I actually liked was Mina, she was quite awesome and very pretty.
Don't even get me started on Ruby, she's played by the actress who played Sophia in episode 7 of Merlin, and urgh, wtf.
As for the villians - furry monkey things in hoodies? About as frightening as a kitten mewling at you.
I didn't even like Mackenzie Crook's vampire, he looked like some reject from Showaddywaddy. Plus he was dispatched of far too easily, if he is actually dead, anyway.
As for the feel of the episode, the pacing was flat, stale and couldn't hold my attention at all. They rushed Luke's introduction into this brand new world and he coped with it all unrealistically well.
If they had taken the time over the whole series to slowly introduce him to this unbelievable twist in his life it could of been so good.
I have to say the icing on the cake for me though was playing Kaiser Chief's 'Ruby' as Luke was running to save his kidnapped friend who's called - you guessed it - Ruby!
I was pissing myself laughing.
Corny show is corny. And not in the good way like I usually mean that.