Sleep is overrated.
Hello to my new flist member
solace_requiem (whose username totally kicks ass btw) :D
Listening to this album makes me miss the old Nickelback, you know, when they were actually reasonably intelligent songwriters/musicians and not ridiculous sellouts with crude lyrics and no creativity? Yeah, I really wish I didn't hate them now, this album has always been a favourite of mine.
And holy hell, exciting news, HBO finally released a trailer for The Pacific!! Thank you to Laura for the heads-up! ♥
Click to view
BRB, spazzing immensely because it looks so f-amazing and seriously 2010? What is this fuckery? I can't wait that long! *flails*
Also, another video under this cut. This is a Kradam fan-video and holy crusty rolls, it's the most incredible fan vid I have ever seen in my life. I legit cried. The editing is unbelievable, and I completely fell in love with the song/band. Seriously, any Kradam fans should watch immediately, you won't be disappointed.
Click to view
Lol I was so determined this post would have nothing to do with Kradam, I clearly cannot help myself. xD