Plenty of incoherency, I know, I'm sorry

Jun 10, 2009 12:04


FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK O______________________O

I'm still crying, like a ridiculous frigging amount. At the end of ep 21 I was crying so hard I couldn't even breathe, ok, I mean gasping for air. DAMN THIS SHOW. But it's so gooooooooooooood. Uh guh, finale, I don't even know guys. My brain is like Piccadilly Circus, it can't handle this much information/awesome/epicness at one time.
I'm going to just try and a) switch on my english skills and b) break this down into points.

Point #1. Ruby, I hated you from day one and I knew I was right too, all those times you were borderline awesome and I almost gave in, I'm so glad I stuck with my instincts. You manipulative, evilllll witch. And ohhhh yes, when Dean stabbed her and Sam held her in place, HELL YEAH! I can't even tell you how much I was fist-pumping the air and cheering like my life depended on it. Good riddance bitch.

Point #2. Dean/Castiel pwns allllll. I mean holy moly, how unbelievably epic did that get?! I replayed that particular scene about 5 times (Dean desperately trying to persuade him, the pain written all over Castiel's face. GUH.) If Cas ever fell it was only going to be for Dean, and it happened. I just, I can't even handle it. Jensen and Mischa have amazing onscreen chemistry, every ounce is so real and genuine.
Seriously, OTP for life. I love the way the show handled their relationship and intensity. Plus Cas throwing Dean against the wall? MOAR PLZ. xD
And extra love for Cas alone, who kicked ass and held his ground to fight off the arc-angels. You beautiful, beautiful creature, how I love you.

Point #3. Sam/Dean. Dean not giving up on him, saying he'd die for him in a heartbeat. The voicemail message. Sam's confusion. Through all the hate/fury/adrenaline still hearing Dean calling him from the other side of the door. I would actually need to write an essay to encompass all of my thoughts/feelings/heartache.
But basically it comes to this: at the end, they are both right where they are supposed to be - side by side. The final scene; Sam's heartbroken apology, Dean's expression, the clinging. I'm actually tearing up again just thinking about it. Boys, never EVER split up again, do you hear me? I will whoop both your asses if you ever break me again.

Point #4. Bobby, you kick ass, seriously. Calling Dean a princess? Reminding him he's not his father and not to give up on his brother? ILY, that is all. ♥

Point #5. Kind of saw the angel betrayal thing coming from a mile off, but it still stung like crazy. That old guy creeped me out from day one, slimy. Dean's face just about killed me when it was revealed what was truly going on, he looked so broken and helpless.

Point #6. LUCIFERRRRR, HOLY HELLLLLL (literally) GUYS. IT CAN BE SEASON 5 NOW Y/Y!? Seriously where are they even going to begin? Good luck to you Kripke, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now. xD
I swear there is so much more I need to write but my brainnnn, it hurts. I'm just going to go rewatch my favourite scenes and make myself emotionally distressed again.


Calling all Kradam lovers, please treat yourselves to this blog entry, I promise it will be worth your time.
It is the single most beautiful thing I have ever read about them. It sums up every thought it my head and writes it down in the most eloquent way.

Adam's Rolling Stone article made my life. I don't even know what else to say, I'm not very good at putting my feelings into words. His honesty, kindness, generosity - it's a thing of beauty. I admire his free-spirit and confidence more than anything, he overcame the trials in his life and now he's right where he wants to be. He's this rare gem, a celebrity with this incredible talent, who loves who he is, without being arrogant. Someone who isn't afraid to say exactly what he thinks and all the while doing it with effortless grace, good manners and just the right amount of cheekiness. Just, never ever change, you are an amazing human being and I hope you live the longest, happiest life.


I'm sure there was more I was supposed to write today, my mind is so crushed by the epicness of Supernatural that I can't think straight. I'll come back and edit if I think of anything else.

sexy angels, adam and his fierceness, kradam, winchesters

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