just to get a glimpse behind this illusion

Apr 19, 2009 12:38

I just watched Adam Lambert perform 'Born To Be Wild' on American Idol, which is one of my absolute favourite rock songs, and HELL YES. LOVE that guy. I finally get the fuss about him, it was an awesome performance.

So I'm reading Good Omens by Pratchett and Gaiman at the moment, something I've always wanted to read it. I have to say it is now possibly my all-time favourite book ever and I dare not read it in public for fear of making loud gigglesnort noises; it is hilarious.

The thing is when I was reading yesterday my brain suddenly decided "You know, there's something very slashy about Aziraphale and Crowley..." and then the other more sensible part of my brain went "Oh for goodness sake, you see slash in everything, it's all in your head!"
But my curiousity was pigued now, I had to see if I really was imagining this.
So, I went to fanfiction.net, all the while thinking "This is stupid, they'll be nothing there!" I finally get to the books section, 'Good Omens' has about 800-something fics, and scrolling through it appears to be about 80% Crowley/Aziraphale slash...

...I may of bust a rib laughing.

Also, is it very odd that I keep picturing Aziraphale as Castiel? >__

reading, random

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