Jun 15, 2011 21:40


WHAT DOES IT MEANNNNN?! (so bright, so vivid)

My top guess is some kind of Harry Potter social networking community, considering the website seems to imply that it is a website coming soon. Maybe? Which would be exciting, and it would be AWESOME if we had a cohesive way to keep the fandom together in a Jo-approved kind of way. However:

1) I don't see how this would be more exciting than jkrowling.com in its heyday.
2) The big HP fansites are already great and effective, and I think Jo knows this.
3) The prospect of having to interact with all Harry Potter fans, and not just my fandom bubble, is kind of horrifying/squicky to me. I know, still snobby thanks to the Quill after all these years, but in a different way now? I'd probably be like "WHY ARE YOU ALL SO YOUNG? WHY ARE YOU ALL SO AWKWARD?" which is how I feel about a lot of HP fandom things sometimes.

Honestly, nothing would have been more exciting than a Harry Potter prequel. But that's not happening anytime soon.

However, it is SO NICE AND EXCITING to have Jo stir up the fandom again. Nothing matches the excitement I get from new HP fandom buzz. And I love that it was a riddle/hunt, just like the old days on JKR.com. Like likeafox was saying, I don't think that's happened since we were in high school. God, when did we get so old?


fandom, jkr, hp, pottermore

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