Just a general ol' update. My wifey was kind enough to let me finally purchase some bagpipes. Pictures of the kind I have can be seen here:
http://www.gibsonpipes.com/products/smallpipes/ (minus the stainless steel). A sound sample can be located here:
http://www.gibsonpipes.com/soundsamples/index.htm. I can't describe the feeling of hearing the drones sound and the chanter kick in quickly after. It is fantastic.
The job continues to go well... Can't say much more than that.. It's heads and tails better than previous employment.
Joined a gym... I hurt, that is all.
Playing around with a 3d modeler called blender. The (free!) program, can be located here: www.blender.org. I shall post some of my creations, If I make anything worth while.