Feb 20, 2008 18:06
So far I have not had the most confident start to the year. 1st of Jan, I had a shocking experience that night. Something that could have been very bad for me, then on the 1st of Feb, I had to have micro-surgery on my right index finger and at that point uni was falling apart around me and the reason I fell over apart from being clumsy was because I was so angry at UAC. Hopefully when I come back to Sydney on the 1st of March to go to the Castle Hill Show with Brooke and Tammy and Riley and co, nothing will go wrong.
I didn't sleep for weeks because I was so worried that I would never get this sorted and mum was adding extra pressure for me to call and pester people about it etc, so i was having major stress out time. Things at home began to fall apart and I didn't think that anything would be sorted.
Thankfully though I am almost through the HUGE and arduous process of trying to enrol and and get my 3 year degree down to just on two. So not the most Ideal thing but at least I'm in and I can now start piecing my life together again.
Admittedly I don't think I ever recovered from a series of events and I think this change might be for the better, I although living with my dad am becoming more independent.
At the moment, I am at uni 9-5 3 days a week but having just taken up another subject it very well may go up to 5 days. Hopefully not as they are long days and I am still very much in the recovery post operative.
I have to say I really like Newcastle, I walk to uni everyday and we my dad's apartment is situated, I am opposite the beach, and I have shops and cafe's and so many things really close by.
The Con feels like (for anyone who has seen 'Raise Your Voice' its just like that, as I walk in the doors all I can hear is Various students rehearsing, we have choir rehearsals in big groups and ensemble studies as well as Music History classes and improvisations in the various classes, There is a range of people here, from a Pipe Organ player to the normal mix of piano players, singers, flutes, clarinets, plus many more I have not yet met.
I have been thrown into 2nd year as I was given all of 1st year as credit. So I am in amongst people who are all friends and are all familiar with the program, so it's a little daunting, but I am trying my best to just be myself and meet people.
I walk past all these kooky and funky shop everyday going back and forth to uni. Steph I'm thinking of you here, there is the most awesome shop called Hot Property, and it's Doc Martens meets Punk/Goth/Rocker Chick and throw in Converse and funky band lables. I walk past a MASSIVE Hobby Shop and it's totally packed full of the most amazing stuff. They have an awesome Retro Fashion Shop, based on retired clothing meets retro belts and hats, diamonties and scarves plus so much more, They have a big discount store with most of the major make up labels eyeliners, mascara, and foundation down to $5, Everything up here is cheaper than in Sydney I got an fantastic pair of Laura Ashely Jeans for $70 reduced from $150. Amazing!
Kotara Westfield is fantastic too and packed full of shops again, it's got a two level Borders and the most funky shops.
I am still exploring my way around. But Tuesdays I have a break and I can go to the beach or go home or have coffee or something and I LOVE that. I am feeling more relaxed though my workload looks like it's not going allow me to be down in Sydney more than once a month.
I miss everyone in Sydney, but I can't wait to come down to see Midsummer Night's Dream Amanda's 21st and of course the Castle Hill Show!
Good Luck to everyone going back to uni, and all those rehearsing like mad for Midsummer I am sure you're all fantastic, good luck for O-week guys have a great one, and I will hopefully catch up with you all at some point.