Tales of Fandom vol. 2

Mar 26, 2011 01:55

Hello! I hardly ever post, but since I recently completed some translation projects that... were over three years in the running, I thought I'd share them here. Some of you may be familiar with my summaries of Tear's Story and Jade's Story from Tales of Fandom vol. 2, and likewise familiar with the translations I was doing for the same, which are thus far available in fansubbed form on YouTube. There was a long hiatus since Mura, the person whom I was working with, got a new job and didn't have anymore time to do the technical side of the fansubbing (ripping vids, timing, et cetera), but I finally got around to doing the translations for Tear's and Jade's Stories on my own.

So, here they are!

Tear's Story: Testament --Mystearica--

Jade's Story: The Chronicle of the Malkuth Empire Insurgency

Tear's Story is really quite fascinating, since it provides a lot of very interesting background detail and shows exactly how crazy-go-nuts Van is, not to mention features Cantabile, who previously was no more than a namedrop in a book in the Daath library. Meanwhile, Jade's Story is just a lot of fun, especially for you Peony fans; he is as delightful a spaz as ever, and we even get to see him in combat. Enjoy!
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