The second Tales of the Abyss story in Tales of Fandom vol. 2 focuses around Jade, and is entitled "The Chronicles of the Malkuth Empire Rebellion" ("Marukuto Teikoku Soudouki"). Thanks to Dist's loud mouth, Jade wonders if he's really gotten over Professor Nebilim's death...but rumors circulating around Grand Chokmah about the true heir to the Malkuth throne showing up and denouncing Emperor Peony as a fraud serve as an excellent distraction.
Tales of Fandom vol. 2: Jade's Story (
Part 1)
We begin our dashing adventure with the flash of light, and Jade comments on it. They say they should go get it, and Jade says "I'll leave this to the young'uns ^_^" and Anise goes "I'm a girl and all~" and Guy sighs and agrees to go get it. What he brings back is a badge that Jade says looks like the badge that his teacher had all her students wear. Anise wonders why something like that is here, and Guy wonders if it's Jade's, but Jade says his should be back in Grand Chokmah, as he hasn't worn his for several decades. They wonder whose it is, and Anise suggests that Peony followed Jade here and dropped it! Jade tells her she says such unpleasant things. Guy remarks that it's unexpectedly likely, and Jade retorts that it's BECAUSE it's likely that it'll just heap more problems on them. "Like that time with the illegitimate child incident?" asks Anise, and Guy agrees that it was pretty bad. Anise says it was actually pretty fun, and Jade remarks that he'd wanted to hurry up and forget it happened. Title screen get!
I note that it's interesting that this seems to be the only story that involves everyone there--although, really, each story is told differently. Arche and Chester go off on their own and reminisce between each other; Kratos tells his story to the rest of the party; Tear muses over the story to herself; and Jade, Anise and Guy chat over their memories of the incident. It's a good way of keeping things unique even while a lot of the other elements keep the stories similar to one another, which is why the last story is so disappointing--but I won't get ahead of myself.
Anyway, we cut to Jade in his office. A couple of soldiers knock on his door, the first bringing news of how the Emperor has been missing for a little bit and they're looking for him, the second bringing news from Sesemann saying that they want him to help in questioning prisoner A-9643731, Saphir Wyone/Ortion Neis--in other words, Dist. Jade refuses flat-out to help, even though Dist has stated that he'll only talk to Jade, who says that it's the job of the military police to figure out how to work around that. The soldier insists, and Jade sighs and says he'll head to the penitentiary later, and if he happens to see Emperor Peony along the way, he'll tell him to head back to the royal palace. Jade then dismisses the soldiers, who leave and shut the door behind them.
Jade sighs again and calls to Peony, who sneaks out of his hiding spot and praises Jade for noticing he was there, and for being such a good friend as to not sell him out! Jade replies that had it not been for the matter of Saphir, he would have. Peony asks why, and Jade replies that between an idiot and a huge idiot, the idiot is the better choice. Peony asks him if he's heard the idiom "Birds of a feather flock together," and Jade replies that he knows it--so what? Peony protests that they're friends, and Jade retorts pleasantly that that's the first he's heard of it. Peony says that if that's the case, he'd better listen very carefully to him, and Jade replies that due to his age, he's gotten so bad at remembering things. Peony reassures him that he'll make sure he won't forget, and Jade reassures him in turn that he has confidence in his ability to forget things he doesn't care about. Peony asks him if he's going to use that ability to "forget" about Sesemann's request, and we get a choice.
> I'll go once I finish up my work
> I have no intentions of going
> Go on your own
The first time I saw this, the player picked the second choice, but now, it goes to the first, so I expect Simuyuki1214 re-uploaded the video for some reason. I don't quite remember what all happens when you pick the second choice, but basically after Jade says he's definitely not going no matter what, Peony says if he's not going to go see Saphir, he'll just bring Saphir here. Jade finds this option even more repulsive, so he caves and agrees to go with Peony to talk with Dist.
In the first choice, however, Jade says he will go, just after he's finished his paperwork. Peony complains about Jade wanting to keep working here when he wants to go now (Peony, you're such a brat!), and Jade replies, annoyed, that this is his office and he comes here to work. He goes on to say that, due to his travels with Luke and the others, he's got a lot of work piled up, and he needs to take care of it. Peony remarks that it's rude to blame other people for his own work piling up, and Jade remarks that he could also blame it on him. Peony brushes that off and insists that they go tease Saphir (who is totally
the Yuan of the group--and if Nephry is Martel by default, is Jade Kratos or Mithos?), and Jade tells him that Saphir's questioning is not a game. Peony agrees that for Jade, it is work, and Jade asks what emperor questions his prisoners himself? Peony cheerfully replies, "Emperor Peony of the Malkuth Empire!" Jade sighs and remarks that it seems Peony, not Saphir, is the huge idiot after all. Peony sweeps that aside and says that they childhood friends should get together and talk already!
Jade: In the penitentiary?
Peony: In the penitentiary.
Their banter is so beautiful. X) Jade gives up and agrees to go now, and when they arrive, Dist laughs like crazy to see Jade finally show up to see him, saying that no one but he can bear the heavy responsibility of questioning a man of scintillating intellect like himself. Jade says that, well, he's not quite the one taking on that burden, and Peony pops up and goes, "M-E! <3" Dist expresses his displeasure in a refined and eloquent manner. Peony ignores it and greets him cheerfully, asking if he's been well and blowing his nose. Dist demands to know why he's here; Peony points out that this is his country, and Jade pops in and says that he absolutely insisted on being the one to question him.
Dist refuses to talk, and Peony remarks that he hasn't changed at all and he should grow up. Jade remarks that he thinks that applies to Peony, too. Peony laughs about this, then goes on to reminisce about how they met because Jade and Saphir absolutely had to sneak into the manor in which he'd been kept as a boy. Jade is annoyed by this, and Dist says he's always been shameless like that, and points out that had Jade not insisted on wanting to see an emperor's son, he never would have become their friend. Peony says he's so glad he became their friend, and Dist yells that he hates it. Jade asks when either of them became his friend, and Dist whines that he's Jade's best friend, and Jade tells him to keep the jokes to his face. Peony reassures him that he thinks of him as his best friend, and Dist says LIKE HELL YOU ARE and Jade is all Funny, I feel the same way about you. Dist gets mad, and Peony starts reminiscing about how Saphir got caught by the guards back then, and Jade goes along with it.
We go to a voice-only flashback of when Jade and Saphir were about to sneak into Peony's mansion--and it's a shame, because I really would have liked to have seen art for the two of them when they were little. Anyway, there's guards all around, and Saphir whines about not caring about an emperor's son and begs Jade to let them go home. Jade says it's okay, he's got a plan to scatter the guards. Saphir gushes about how awesome he is and asks how, and in response, Jade shoves him out into the open and lets the guards catch him and drag him off. Man, Saphir, why do you like Jade so much?
Tales of Fandom vol. 2: Jade's Story (
Part 2)
So Jade and Peony continue to mock Dist for sucking, and he somewhat understandably is pissed about this since it never would have happened if Jade weren't a total jerk, and that he'd almost gotten carted off to jail. Jade says that he didn't, so what's the problem? Except the one who kept Saphir out was Professor Nebilim, which of course leads back to Saphir trying to hump Jade's leg and asking him to try bringing her back to life together. Peony and Jade are both less than thrilled, and Peony tries to say something, but Dist is all "BITCH SHUT UP Jaaade <3" Jade completely ignores him, tells the Emperor that he still has paperwork to do, so he's leaving. ...and then he does. And Dist goes D8 JADE WHERE ARE YOU GOING
And now randomly I am going to translate instead of summarize.
"Honestly, He's Such a Handful"
Jade: ... ...*sigh*...
Guy: Oh, if it isn't Jade.
[Guy is walking the rappigs.]
Jade: Oh, my...Guy. They look so good with you.
Guy: Is that sarcasm?
Jade: Me? Sarcastic? Never!
Guy: You baldfaced...
Jade: Isn't it all right? After being a violent little bird in a cage, you become the caretaker of six rappigs and one wild beast. It truly is charming.
Guy: Look who's talking, Jade. Weren't you appointed caretaker of the flying fonic professor?
Jade: My, word gets around quickly.
Guy: I guess. So is that why you're heaving one of your rare heavy sighs?
Jade: Well, more or less.
Guy: He's your childhood friend, isn't he?
Jade: I had no intentions of such, but by society's popular definition, it seems you could possibly say that.
Guy: Hey, now...
Jade: ... Guy... The Hod assault occurred before your very eyes, correct?
Guy: What's with this all of a sudden? Yeah, it did, but...
Jade: I inquire with the resignation that it will rub your sensibilities the wrong way, but I imagine the shock of having lost your family and servants was something proper.
Guy: ! Wow, that's a shocker. For you to ask something like that--the rare things keep coming.
Jade: It's not going to rain.
Guy: Nah, it'll snow instead.
Jade: Haha... You may be correct.
Guy: .......the shock...of it, huh.
Jade: ......
Guy: A sense of loss... a sense of emptiness... Hmm. I can't really express it very well in words. There was just way too much damage, and when I was a kid, I couldn't accept it.
Jade: I see...
Guy: I think probably it began from recognizing the reality of the loss of my father, mother and sister. For me, that was an "event" that was easy to understand.
Jade: The deaths of those close to you strike home.
Guy: I guess that's about right. No, to be honest with you... If I had accepted Hod the way things had been, I don't think I could have gone on living, so my heart took control of me on its own.
Jade: ...Yes. I can understand that feeling. Yes... If you, too, have those kinds of experiences, then I suppose it will be a bit easy to speak with you...
Guy: ?
Jade: I cannot understand what it means for a person to die.
Guy: Jade...
Jade: Of course, I comprehend the meaning and definition of the word "death." I comprehend what sorts of situations would lead to it. I simply cannot comprehend the act of "grieving" when I am faced with death. Ah--excuse me. I can comprehend it; I simply do not feel sad.
Guy: Isn't that due to your self-control?
Jade: I don't know. At the very least, so long as I receive a shock that is minor enough for me to control it... It's just, if you experienced self-control, there would be a moment in which you would not comprehend death--I thought that perhaps you could understand the truth of that alone... Ah, this is not correct, either.
Guy: Jade?
Jade: ... Excuse me. It seems I, too, am considerably agitated. It's not that I wanted you to understand. I simply wanted to talk about what I don't understand, and no longer be perplexed by it. (Am I still unable to come to terms with Professor Nebilim's death?)
Guy: It doesn't seem like you can't comprehend death. Humans learn though experience, right? You experience death through your work. If it doesn't move you, isn't that just your self-control as a soldier?
Jade: I wonder. At any rate, I've always been like this ever since I was a child. (When I lost Professor Nebilim, I was agitated. Unable to admit to my failure, I feared the discovery of that failure. That cannot be an emotion felt in the face of death...)
Guy: Hey, Jade. Did something happen when you were questioning Dist?
Jade: ...Yes. Basically, a huge idiot is, after all, a huge idiot. I feel tainted simply by breathing the same air as him.
Guy: ...hahaha...
Jade: I'm going to sterilize myself for a bit. I apologize for the strange conversation. Please, pay it no mind. Well then, excuse me.
Guy: ...
Peony: It's a serious illness...
Guy: Huh... wh--Your Majesty!? What are you doing here!? The cabinet's been searching for you!
Peony: How do you see Jade as he was just now?
Guy: Well, he's always weird... But, he talked about himself, and that's rare. I was shocked.
Peony: That so. ...I guess he still can't put the incident with the Professor to rest...
Guy: ? ...the Professor?
Peony: ...Nah, it's nothing. I'm saying he's unexpectedly idiotic, too.
The next scenario, a Malkuthian soldier announces the arrival of Anise, who has brought Peony a letter from Fon Master Ion. Peony tells Jade to read it, who tells Guy to read it, who is less than thrilled but takes it anyway. (What, is Guy their new Dist now?) Anise ignores Guy's personal space again and naturally the poor guy spazzes, for which Anise makes fun of him. Peony makes fun of him too, and Jade calls him a knave, which Anise chimes in on. "...You guys all suck," Guy grumbles.
Anyway, the letter is one of warning, saying that when they were investigating the source of the rebellion within the Oracle Knights, a group of Oracle Knights have colluded with insurgents within the Malkuth Army and begun to move, and cautions the Emperor to beware. Peony muses about an emperor assassination plot, and Jade snarks about him hearing it's the Emperor's job to receive people's bitterness, which is a play on something Peony said earlier. Peony tells him to shut his mouth, and that it depends on the time and the situation. Guy wonders why members of the Order of Lorelei would get involved with Malkuthian insurgents. Jade remarks that he can understand there being people within the military who have influence and dislike the Emperor, and Anise points out that Peony stopped Score readings in Malkuth, and while Mohs was dismissed and the Order is getting reorganized, she knows there's a faction that can't go along with that.
Jade says that as long as they know this, they can do something about it, but Anise doesn't quite understand why the military would do that. Jade explains that the military heads wouldn't think too kindly of a ruler who weakens his military, and that while Malkuth has come a long way, it's not monolithic. Guy adds that there are still a lot of people who'd love to get the throne for themselves, too. Peony praises him and tells him as of next month, he's getting a raise. Anise goes, "WHAT!? Guy gets PAID?" and Jade tells her he earns 660 gald per hour.
I wonder what Malkuthian minimum wage is, because damn, that sounds really low to me. Anise agrees with me, but Guy says it's based on territory, and his is, well, disintegrated.
Tales of Fandom vol. 2: Jade's Story (
Part 3)
Peony continues the conversation, saying that's why he lets him stay on as his assistant and do things like that. Anise apologizes, but Guy tells her not to worry, and changes the subject to Mohs and Ion, and how things must be easier for the Fon Master now. Anise cheers up and agrees, saying that it's awesome for Ion and now she's free, too. Jade catches that, and Anise, realizing her slip, says, oh, yeah, since she's with the Fon Master, he always made her life difficult.
Jade accepts that and asks if the report is over, and Anise says yeah, for the Fon Master. Peony asks if there's more, and Anise says it might be a little personal, and Peony teases her about confessing her love to him, and Anise is all like "omg are you proposing to me?! <3" Jade gets things back on track by asking if this has anything to do with His Majesty, and Anise admits that she's been hearing bad rumors around Grand Chokmah about there being a royal illegitimate child around. Guy goes MAJESTY YOU DIDN'T and Jade comments that he certainly screwed up. Peony protests that it is SO not his kid, and Anise says she'd gladly bear his, adding in her indoor voice that it wouldn't be bad to be the mother of the future emperor. Peony tells her as soon as she gets legal, come to Grand Chokmah, but Guy cuts in, telling them to be serious.
Peony then points out that, even if it's an illegitimate kid, it's not necessarily his, and Jade muses that Peony did have older siblings. Peony explains that his dad had four kids, of which he was the youngest; he had two older brothers and one sister, all of whom were killed in various conflicts, which is why he was locked up in that mansion in Keterburg (which was also told in the Closed Score, which is why conflicts happened even though the Score said this was what was supposed to happen) and, as the only survivor, is the current emperor. Jade remarks that it's the same as with Luke, and Anise asks if the Score concerning the imperial successor is a Score about people's lives and deaths. Peony affirms that this is true, that each of his siblings thought that they would be the emperor but eventually fell to poisoning, war, and illness, respectively. Guy asks Anise where she heard about this bastard child, and Anise replies at a business firm in Grand Chokmah. Apparently the kid was saying that he was the true emperor and was taking handouts from the citizens. Jade remarks that if it's about money, no wonder Anise heard, and Guy agrees. Anise gets mad, and says the important thing here is the assassination plot, and Peony goes "*lightbulb* THAT SOUNDS LIKE FUN!"
...which is the beginning of the end, really. Jade even says as much. Peony starts gushing about how awesome this is, and how he wants to go see this relative he's never met before, and how it's romantic. Jade points out that they don't know if he's the real thing or not, and Peony says that if he's a fake, then it's even more romantic, and starts gushing about some novel scenario with the handsome young emperor and the evil faux bastard child and his wicked cabinet minister. XD; Guy sighs about Peony's "wicked cabinet minister bit," remarking that they're all good, serious people, and Jade, irritated, asks Peony how old he thinks he is; Anise says if you round up, he's forty. Peony IGNORES THEM ALL and says LET'S GO LOOK FOR THAT ILLEGITIMATE CHILD! :DDD Oh, Peony, you're so cute. I don't care if the closest ten your age rounds to is forty, you're still young and beautiful to me.
Anyway, Guy agrees and says he'll contact the soldiers, but Peony's all, hey, if he's the real deal, it'll be a big problem! So Guy is all, okay, we'll talk to the intel ministry, and Peony is mad because the point here was for him and his buddies to sneak out of the palace and find the kid themselves. Guy asks what emperor runs around the city himself, and Peony points out that Kimlasca's princess runs around not just her city but the entire world, which Guy can't quite argue with. Peony, sensing weakness, presses his advantage, but Jade and Anise both try to shoot him down. Peony won't listen, though, so finally Jade threatens to eat his rappigs, preferably Saphir but Luke will do too.
Here I take a moment to laugh my ass off.
Peony grits his teeth and says he won't give in to the demands of terrorists villains, but Anise joins in on picking on him, and Peony is all D: Guy comments that even the Emperor will fold when his rappigs are threatened, so Peony responds by issuing an official imperial decree for them to go into town to search, with him as the leader.
Jade remarks that until recently, there was an aristocratic young master around like this, and Anise says that at least he reformed, with Guy adding that maybe His Majesty should try cutting his hair too. Peony yells that it's an imperial decree, and...really, there's nothing the three of them can do about it, so they cave. Hahahaha, oh, Peony, you're such a brat for a 36-year-old man. XD
Anyway, we go to town, and Peony is in a really terrible disguise (a scarf and a pair of glasses! NO ONE WILL RECOGNIZE HIM! ...and, sadly, no one does).
Peony: All right, from here on out you all have to call me Boss. No, wait, Anise, you call me Peo-kun <3.
Jade: <3 Okay, Peo-kun <3
Peony: That's sick coming from you, so cut it out!
Guy asks where Peony intends on beginning the search, and Peony makes Jade choose, despite his not wanting to. We get a choice, which is as follows:
> In front of the Grand Chokmah business center
> The Grand Chokmah harbor
> In front of the Grand Chokmah water fountain
The player picks the harbor, wherein Jade says they may also gather information. When the group gets there, Peony and Guy talk about how much they love the ocean. Jade tries to make a subtle jab about how what Peony really loves is the beach, but Peony wrecks it by saying that that's not true, what he loves are the babes in bikinis! Jade replies that he admires him for being able to say things that aren't embarrassing at all, really. Then they make Guy go talk to a nearby soldier about why they've come here, which Guy is annoyed by but acquiesces to anyway.
Tales of Fandom vol. 2: Jade's Story (
Part 4)
Guy goes to question the soldier about the royal illegitimate child they've been hearing about, and Jade chimes in to make sure he talks. (Man, how can these soldiers see with those helms pulled down way over their eyes?) The soldier says he's heard such rumors, and that the culprit is a boy of 15-16 years old with blond hair. Leaving him be, Anise remarks that this kid is pretty famous, and Jade says that the intel dept. might have turned something up, too. Peony agrees, but since they're out here, he wants to hang around the harbor for a while longer, since it makes him all nostalgic. Anise asks if he's got a funny story, and as it turns out, he does!
Once, when he was a kid, Peony stole out to the sea at night to play around with Jade and Saphir, whom he made make a secret tunnel out of the mansion, and while he's not 100% certain, he's pretty sure nobody except his private tutor ever found out about it. Anise wonders what Luke would think if he heard that, and Guy says he'd probably say something like 'so you could do something like that...' and cause a lot of trouble. Anise then asks if it wasn't cold, seeing as Keterburg is a snowy island. Peony wonders why, and Jade says that a certain idiotic prince said he wanted to. Guy remarks that that must have been dangerous with just children, and Jade agrees, saying they almost died--or rather, Dist did. Peony laughs about it, saying that his nose really ran that time!
Guy and Anise both wonder what happened, and Guy asks aloud. Apparently Peony read in a book that there was a cave near Keterburg that had an animal called an aifreed in it, and it turned into a talk about wanting to find treasure! Jade protests this, saying that Peony decided this on his own. Anise goes <3 treasure~~~ but Guy points out that kids wouldn't have thought of gold and stuff like she does. Anise is disappointed, so she asks what happened with Dist. Peony and Jade explain that they started to go treasure-hunting in the cave in a boat that they attached one of Saphir's fonic devices to, but the sea got stormy and it broke, and while they were dead in the water, monsters attacked. Guy is surprised they survived, and they explain that they threw Saphir overboard as bait, and while the monsters were going after him, Jade defeated them with his fonic artes. Anise praises him, and Guy is all "(...Makes me want to sympathize with Dist.)"
Peony says that when the monsters when after Saphir, he SCREAMED, and then a girl nearby screams too. Going to check it out, they find at the fountain a pair of thugs harassing a sweet young thang for bumping into them, so of course Peony, being the horny old man he is, has to save her. He makes Guy help him, and Anise is surprised to hear that Peony can fight.
Peony: Don't make fun of me! What do you think I collect swords for?
Anise: So you're a swordsman?
Peony: No, I'm a martial artist.
Anise: ......
Anyway, NOW IT IS FIGHTING TIME. Peony kicks the crap out of the guys, and after telling Jade to shut up after he cheerfully calls him the disgrace of the Malkuth Empire, hits on the girl. She thanks him and runs off to check out the royal bastard child, who apparently is hanging out in front of the palace. Peony, disappointed, eventually has everyone follow (after making fun of Guy, natch), and there they find the previously described kid there.
Said kid, whose name is Reece Heavenly, is asking the people why Emperor Peony IX abolished Score readings in Malkuth? It's of course because he's a false Emperor who hadn't been chosen by the Score, and wanted to hide the fact from being exposed. Guy, Jade and Anise all remark that he seems more regal than Peony, who agrees and says that maybe he should leave the empire to him. Guy scolds him. The citizenry are upset at Reece's words, but it does make some kind of bizarre sense to them, and when a soldier approaches and says he'll arrest them for disturbing the peace in front of the imperial castle, Reece's attendant, calls him a barbarian. Peony thinks this is hilarious, and Guy identifies the attendant as Count Steinmetz. Anise wonders what he's doing with the imperial bastard (that's just kind of funny to say), and Jade remarks that he may be plotting something.
Tales of Fandom vol. 2: Jade's Story (
Part 5)
Count Steinmetz declares the kid to be Reece, the lost son of Franz, the late emperor's eldest son. Peony remarks that Franz was supposed to have been emperor, but then, y'know, he died and all. Jade muses that Prince Franz did have a wife, but he's sure they never had an official child. Anise asks where that wife is now, and Peony says that she's dead too, before wondering who Franz knocked up.
The soldier is scandalized, but Count Steinmetz doesn't care, and even berates him, but Reece tells him not to bother getting mad at a brainless fool; he'll just show him proof that he's Franz's son. Steinmetz protests, but he gives in and eventually shows the grunt a dagger and letter that Reece inherited from his father. Steinmetz goes on to say that Prince Franz was supposed to have become emperor, therefore Prince Reece, his son, is Malkuth's true emperor. Reece promises the people that the dawn that he is coronated emperor, he will return the Score and secure a proper future for Malkuth.
Anise remarks that this is bad, as it may spark a rebellion, but Peony says he won't let that happen and approaches Reece. Steinmetz recognizes him, and Reece is shocked to see the emperor here, but Peony points out that this is the garden of his imperial palace. Jade steps in to say they've been listening to him, and Steinmetz recognizes him, too. Jade says that they'll go on to prove whether Reece is who he says he is, and if he is, they'll say no more complaints. Steinmetz is offended by this, but Guy points out that he has no right to complain, having been ridiculing the Emperor. When Steinmetz recognizes him too, Peony tells Reece they'll be taking his inheritance into custody. Reece protests this, saying he can't possibly give these things up to someone who stole his throne, and a choice comes up:
> Let Jade persuade him
> Let Guy persuade him
> Let Peony persuade him
The player picks Jade, who proceeds to mock Reece. When Reece gets offended, Jade tells him to sit down and shut up, except in more more formal, coldly polite language. Reece is shut up, and Anise steps in, saying that as a member of the Order of Lorelei and a neutral agent, in the name of Fon Master Ion, she will act as a witness. Jade praises her, and Reece huffily acquiesces to this, saying that he will get his things back and stuff. Steinmetz hands the stuff over to Guy, expressing his earnest desire for justice to be seen, and Jade says that there's one more thing they need. They have Prince Franz's biological data on record at the Fonic Academy, so he wants a clipping of Reece's hair so that they can analyze it and see if he is indeed a blood relative. Reece is offended by this, and even more so when Jade says that if he's the real thing, he should have nothing to fear. However, Reece lets Steinmetz cut off a piece of his hair, and all but screams at Jade to take it.
Peony asks Jade how much time he'd need to make certain one way or another, and Jade replies that three or four days should be plenty of time. Peony declares that in that case, they'll converge in three days at Steinmetz's mansion. Steinmetz goes on about how they'll see that Reece is the real deal, and Jade is less than thrilled with this, but Peony stays by his guns.
Once Jade pulls Peony away, he asks why he said that in front of an audience. Peony asks if he's got a problem, and yes, Jade does! He doesn't like that there's going to be so many strangers so close to him, seeing as there is an ASSASSINATION PLOT GOING ON. Jade points out that it would be a perfect opportunity for an assassin, but Peony tells him not to worry. Anise is less than thrilled by this, but Peony says that Jade and Guy will protect him. Anise asks what she'll do, and Peony tells her that he'll protect the cute girls. Anise is instantly charmed, and now it's Jade's turn to be less than thrilled.
Jade tells Guy to bring the items to Sesemann, and Guy and Anise ask him what he'll be doing. Jade is going to get the hair analyzed, and lets Anise come with him--but when Peony chimes in, Jade tells him YOU'VE CAUSED ENOUGH TROUBLE ALREADY, GO HOME. Peony protests, but Jade makes the soldiers drag him back to the imperial palace, and Peony yells, "I'll remember this, you four-eyed snake!!" Guy and Anise ellipse, saying that the Kimlascan palace has this sort of feel to it too, and Jade cheerfully remarks that it's the end of the world. Guy and Anise think that he's not one to talk.
AND NOW TO THE PENITENTIARY. Dist is thrilled to see Jade again, and Anise asks Jade what the hell he was thinking, coming to this guy. Jade says he's got the power to persuade him, so Anise caves. Dist wonders what they're talking about, and more importantly, why Anise is here. Anise says "oh, no reason~" and remarks that he's looking well. Dist complains that there's no way a beautiful man like him could be doing well in a filthy place like this, but Jade says he's got no room to complain, since he gets three meals a day.
Jade: But never mind that. I have a job for you.
Dist: ! ...wh...what is it...?
Jade: I need your power.
Dist: [blush] Y--you! N-*need me*!? I, I see! I understand. I understand. I was certain you would say that! You've finally realized my greatness, haven't you? I see! I see!
Tales of Fandom vol. 2: Jade's Story (
Part 6)
Anise: ... ...Dist sure is easy to handle.
Jade: He is. I don't even need to act.
Dist: Now, what are you saying you would have my great self do? Fomicry? Or else, since Anise is here, the redevelopment of Tokunaga?
Anise: ...Somehow, when he's this desperate, I get to feeling sorry for him.
Jade: Anise. This isn't like you., perhaps I should say it is like you?
Anise: I don't want you to say that, either.
Jade: I thought not.
Dist: ? What's the matter? What are you talking about?
Jade: Oh, nothing. The truth is...
And then we fade to three days later in Count Steinmetz's love shack mansion, wherein the hearing is about to begin. There's a huge crowd watching them as the proceedings start, with Anise there as requested as the witness. The cabinet member overseeing all this invites Count Steinmetz to begin with his side.
Steinmetz introduces Prince Reece Heavenly, age sixteen. He goes on to say that the times match from when Emperor Karl V was around and when Prince Franz was kicking and such, and that Reece was born to a servant who served as his caretaker. Jade says that they confirmed this as fact, that Prince Franz had a child hidden for his protection, taking his own position into account. Steinmetz agrees, saying that Prince Franz promised Reece that he would be emperor, and the proof is in the imperial sword (which is more like a dagger) and the letter. Jade states that both the sword and the letter are real. Reece goes ! at this, but Jade says that although these are real, it's not yet definite whether or not Reece is Franz's child.
Steinmetz calls him rude, but the supervising cabinet member said that they did find that the wife and mother is dead. Reece protests that this is misinformation--that his mother died before him, and left him in Steinmetz's care. Jade says that he thought he'd say that, so he goes into how he got his hair analyzed by a fonic researcher and stuff.
Guy then brings out Dist (or more specifically, the famous fonic researcher, Saphir Wyone/Ortion Neis) to testify. Reece asks who this seedy-looking man is, and Steinmetz starts saying that he was sure Neis was... But Jade says that while he was in the Order of Lorelei, he's currently in the military's custody. Reece demands how a criminal like that can verify anything about him, and Saphir, who can throw drama fits with the best of them, asks if he's doubting his ability. Jade reassures Reece, saying that he had the examination witnessed by three different people, and tells Saphir to give the report. Saphir does so, and the long and short of it is that Reece is a fake.
Reece refuses to believe this, and Saphir goes, "Hmph! This is why idiots are such a nuisance!" And basically he goes on to explain why he's right and, yes, Reece, you really ARE a fake. This makes the hearing seem pretty clear-cut, and Reece desperately asks Steinmetz what's going on, BUT, well. Of course this can't end without the assassination plot thing coming up, and Steinmetz is the ringleader! He uses an arte to set some fifth fonons off from within Reece, making him into a living bomb. Apparently that was Steinmetz's plan from the beginning--get him close to Peony and make him blow up on him. Jade gets Guy to evacuate everyone, and Anise tries to accompany Peony out as well. Meanwhile, Reece is ON FIRE, and Jade uses the fourth fonon to negate the fifth fonons in the kid's body and get rid of the bomb. Jade thinks this will settle everything, but then Dist screams...
...and we go to see that those insurgent Malkuthian soldiers have taken Dist, Guy and Anise captive. They yell about judging those who've gone against Yulia's Score, and Guy and Anise take out their weapons and start fighting. One soldier attacks Saphir, who, without his fonic machines, is helpless--so Peony pushes Dist out the way, and Steinmetz takes advantage of this to stab him. Why we go to Steinmetz stabbing Peony from behind is beyond me, but I guess we may assume that Peony turned around to push Dist rather than knocking him from the side and facing Steinmetz directly, which would MAKE MORE SENSE since if you are at least FACING HIM you can maybe USE YOUR JUDO TO FLIP HIM AROUND? But no, that would make too much sense, so it's just as well that Peony isn't actually stabbed to death here.
Anyway, Steinmetz yells that the empire belongs to them and he'll return the Score, and Peony grunts that the country doesn't belong to them, it belongs to the people. He then collapses, and Jade screams, "PEONY!?"
The soldiers cheer, but Jade, who is fucking pissed, starts casting Indignation. Anise and Guy are shocked, with Guy saying that while they're marked and will be okay, Dist is another story, and Dist screams Jade's name like the lovesick, spurned ex-boyfriend that he is. After a battle screen, Jade then Indignations the hell out of the room and all the soldiers.
Tales of Fandom vol. 2: Jade's Story (
Part 7)
We then go to Peony and Jade in Jade's office, with Peony cheerfully saying that he really thought he was gonna die. Jade is not thrilled. Peony asks if he's still angry, and Jade replies that he's in the middle of working. Peony tells him that he had a shield under his clothes, seeing as he would be stupid not to take some precautions knowing there was a plot to kill him. Jade repeats himself, and Peony invades his personal space and asks if he was upset. Jade denies it.
Peony: You liar. Even though you were in public, you called me by my first name!
Jade: ...Peony.
Peony: Yo.
Jade: ...why did you act under that pretense?
Peony: Pretense? What, you mean covering for Saphir?
Jade: I mean pretending to die.
Peony: Ever since way back, you've never gotten attached--except for Professor Nebilim, that is.
Jade: ......I acknowledge that.
Peony: Hehe. It's rare for you to be so honest.
Jade: ...So what?
Peony: Are you going to make me spell it out?
Jade: ... ...I was upset.
Peony: I see.
Jade: But I don't think that I was sad.
Peony: I bet not. That's how you feel when you face death. Is grieving the only way to comprehend it?
Jade: (Anger...? Is that, too, a way to comprehend death? Death is the end. You simply fade away. That's something no one can do anything about. For me to recall anger regardless is...) Do you want to say that...I am attached?
Peony: The reason why children are children isn't because of one's ability. I think it's more your understanding for other people. The height of your ability sometimes clouds that understanding.
Jade: ... So that's your interpretation.
Peony: What, you've already calmed down? You sure are a rational jerk.
Jade: This, too, is my personality.
Peony: Well said. You sure are good at acting. Well, my selfish little interpretation isn't wrong, and I don't intend on pushing the matter, either. But, you don't need to say that you don't comprehend anymore, right?
Jade: That is true. I do acknowledge that I am indeed attached to you.
Peony: Aren't you? Looks like that journey with Luke and the others was pretty damn worthwhile.
Jade: It's a pity; it seems I've developed a weak point.
Peony: What are you saying? I've known your weak point since way back.
Jade: Oh? And what are you saying my weak point is?
Peony: Me. Nephry. The Professor. And finally, him.
Jade: ...You have always been like that, haven't you. I don't know whether to call you a man with immense self-confidence or what.
Peony: I am the Emperor, after all. I know my subjects very well.
Jade: As I'd expect from the mighty Emperor.
Peony: that sarcasm?
Jade: No, you truly are wise. Heheh...
Peony: Heheheh...
We switch to Anise knocking on Jade's door and coming in when he bids her to. Anise says she's about to return to Daath, so she came to say goodbye. Jade apologizes on Peony's behalf for getting her involved in this incident, but Anise waves it off, and Jade agrees, since now they've rooted out the insurgents. Anise adds that she was pretty shocked when Jade started casting Indignation. Jade being Jade, he denies there being anything to it, saying that he only thought that an arte that powerful would be the best way to clear out the entire room. Anise says it's okay for her and Guy and Peony since they all have friend-or-foe marking, but since Dist isn't marked, it could have been really bad if he'd been directly hit. Jade said he would have been fine, since his fortitude is his only merit. (It may be of note to say that when Peony talks about "him" being one of Jade's weak points, and when Jade refers to "he" being fine, both of them use the same vocabulary, both times written in katakana. ...and both of them kind of derogatory because the word "are" tends to indicate a thing, rather than a person. c_c;)
Peony then cuts in, yelling for Jade to hide him. Jade asks what's going on, and Peony says that Guy's chasing him. He then notices Anise and asks if she's heading home, which she is. Peony goes on to talk a bit about the assassination plot and how they decided to hush it up, and asks her to take care of the Order of Lorelei's side. Anise agrees, saying that once she reports to Ion, they'll forget every part of it. She asks, though, why he decided to keep it a secret, and if it's related to the Score. Peony affirms this, and Jade mentions that though they've abolished the Score, it still exists over in Kimlasca. Anise points out, though, that Luke and Natalia are over that way, then grumbles that Luke never answers her letters. Peony says that if she sends him love letters, he'll reply to them, and Anise is thrilled by this--Jade less so.
Guy then rushes in, and Peony calls him rude for not knocking first. Jade remarks he's not one to talk, and Guy retorts that if he'd knocked, Peony would have escaped via the secret route in Jade's office. Anise is surprised to learn this, and Guy explains that it connects to the imperial palace. Peony bitches, saying that work has been way too heavy ever since the assassination plot and he's decided he's taking the day off with his rappigs. Jade says Nephry's over in the corner, and when Peony actually goes to look, Jade tells Guy to capture him. Having been caught, Peony begs Anise to touch Guy and if she does, he'll reward her later. Anise is tempted, but when Jade yells at her, she says she has to leave and scoots out.
Peony: Jaaaaade!
Jade: Oh, no, no. I'm not all that angry that you faked your own death, really.
HAHAHAH JADE YOU'RE SO TRANSPARENT. Jade then orders Guy to drag him off and make him do his work, which Guy does happily. Peony begs Jade for mercy and help, apologizing, but to no avail, and once Guy drags him off, the credits roll.
EPILOGUE TIME! I will say that I'm pretty annoyed that the matter of Dist after what happened with the Indignation is barely touched upon--but on the other hand, Jade's feelings for Dist (which are not, as the way I phrased that imply, necessarily romantic, or even affectionate in the traditional sense of the word) are so subtle that you can easily mistake them for not being there at all. Hell, had Peony not all but said that Saphir was one of his weak points, and Jade not failed to deny it, one could easily say he doesn't care. But the fact that he essentially tells Anise that he has faith in Saphir not to die no matter what he does is pretty sweet, if...extremely twisted. Anyway, it makes me feel a little better about how Dist never gets to appear again, and barely gets mentioned, after Jade blows the room up with Indignation.
Anyway, we go back to the present day, wherein Anise asks Jade whatever happened to Reece. Jade replies that while he may have been manipulated by Steinmetz, he was still guilty of a crime. He's imprisoned in the penitentiary right now, and someday he'll probably be granted pardon, but he'll have to reflect on it for several years first. Anise then bursts out that Peony's so mean, because he never returned her love letters like he promised--except, whoops, Jade confiscated all of Peony's responses. Anise demands to know why, and Jade says it may be because the contents were poisonous to underage girls, or poisonous even to girls who're of age... Guy wonders what exactly Peony's been writing, and Anise protests that she wouldn't have minded. Jade calls her out on her man-hunting, and Anise curses. Jade then changes the subject to finding Luke and the others, and he and Anise hope they've fallen into a hole somewhere~ Guy is not too happy about that, but it is there that the story ends.