Sep 09, 2006 18:32
If I can get my headache under control I'll probably have a pretty long update here. Its been an odd week. The W. Memphis clinic was a mess. Since it didn't seem like there would be enough animals for even a full 2 days Rachel called to see about cancelling it. Oh no, couldn't do that. So we head off Tuesday morning and manage to get there at a really good time, get set up and then Rachel and I go to check the schedule. For the first day it looked pretty good. Maybe half of the public animals showed up. So Rachel asks the shelter folks to start calling the rest of the people to see if any of them wanted to come in early. Thirty minutes later it still isn't getting done. Rachel gets the schedule and starts calling. She then discovers that the folks who were orginally down for Thursday and were supposed to be moved to Wednesday had not been contacted. Alright then, when Rachel asked Angela about that right after we got set up she had said the 2 days had been combined. Anyway we get started on the day. The kitties all went quick and then it was time to start on the dogs. The public dogs were way back off in a room at the very end of the shelter that I didn't even now existed. There were also some good sized dogs, no hundred pound ones but several that were 50-70. Since Rachel is pregnant she isn't supposed to carry anything over 20 pounds right now. There was so much back stabbing drama going on it was difficult to find anyone to help William to carry the dogs. William was royally gripey about carrying them that far and I can't say that I blame him. Everything quiets down a bit and the day appears to be going smoother. That is until Rachel sees a dog come walking out of the shelter like it is drunk. That's right one of the surgery dogs managed to get out of her kennel and make her way up through the shelter and out the door that we had open to carry animals in and out of. So Rachel goes and tells the shelter folks what happened. Now at they are having a meeting with their supervisor, Angela tells one of the other employees to just put the dog in one of the outside pens they have set up. What the heck?! So Rachel comes back in and tells me what went on. After I finish my surgery I call Joyce and inform her what has happened. I was not happy to say the least. Rachel also fills Joyce in on what has been going on with the schedule. Joyce isn't too happy. She calls Jule-Ann who happens to be at the shelter and she goes and moves the dog back inside where it should have been placed. Once again everything settles back out. We finally get to the last public dog who isn't very happy to be there and get him neutered. About the time I finish him up Angela comes up to the trailer to ask about a money mistake from the last clinic (one which Rachel had already talked to one of the other employees about) and William asks her to help him carry the dog. Angela turns around and slams the door and leaves. Maybe she didn't hear William or maybe it was selective hearing. Anyway William gets the dog and plans on just dropping him in the closest open kennel. Jule-Ann is there and William sets the dog at her feet and says to the effect "Maybe you can get someone to help carry him because Angela won't help me" turns and leaves. It was just perfect timing. We finish up the day with a mess of HSEA dogs which thankfully all go smoothly.
Then day 2 begins.
Rachel, William and I go off to get something to eat at Perkins. (They have great muffins by the way) One of the shelter employees calls because they are out of forms and need us to come back. Ok, we had just gotten our food. Rachel tells them to simply write the information down and transfer it when we get back. Not five minutes later Joyce calls. One of the other shelter folks had called her about the same thing! Rachel explained what she had told them and Joyce said that it sounded like Rachel had taken care of the problem. We get back to get the day started and Rachel fixes them up with forms. So everything is back to going smoothly, for the moment. While I'm working on a cat spay we lose power. One of the shelter folks ran over the power cord but not just the cord, the connection between the extension and the main cord! It was melting when William got out there and unplugged it from the wall outlet. I get that surgery finished but there are 3 more kitties that are already out and there is no power for the surgery light. I open all the blinds up and then Rachel and I rig up a flashlight to give me a little more light. Meanwhile William is off getting a new cord and the necessary pieces to fix the problem. William gets everything fixed back up and we start back up with the surgeries. Finally get through the day and start getting ready to go home. There's an HSEA dog that was supposed to get done. Um, well, it didn't have papers on its kennel so how were we to know? Nearly everything is put up when this is sprung on us. The dog didn't get done. Then Rachel comes back with a stack of 12 rabies only on shelter/HSEA animals! Alright, 2 days have gone by and you just now tell us and get the paperwork done? William draws up the vaccintions with much complaining and gnashing of teeth and Rachel gets the paperwork finished up. The final bit is that they do not have the day's money, it wasn't collected in the morning as in the past and only a couple of animals have gone home. Rachel calls and gets the ok from Joyce to have them mail the rest of the checks and we high-tail it out of there. It was one durn stressful clinic.
On to more pleasant topics.
Galahad is growing like a little weed. And he is still so sweet! He just purrs so loud and gives kitty kisses. Sometimes he gets so wound up he can't hardly stay still. I've noticed recently how soft his coat has gotten. You can really tell he is a healthy little guy now. And he's getting in adult toothies now! He has 2 pairs of adult incisors in. He's such a little cutie.
Tabitha has been a little pest on occassion. She still picks on Nefertiri and has taken up running outside like Don does. She can't run too fast though. Overall she doesn't let her bum leg hold her up too much. She can still jump, just not quite as good as the other kitties. She still plays too and can get a bit rough on occassion. Galahad got mad at his older sissie today for playing too rough.
Sally has been going outside alot more the past 2 days. I'm glad, I think the outside does her good. The big guys have been staying out a little bit more too. Now if I can just get them broken from this go out for 5 minutes, come in and want back out 10 minutes later. Whiskey is shedding out coat again. I swear that dog has enough fur for 2 or 3 more.
Speaking of fur that little Diva is one fuzzball too, its just that her fur lies down so slick and flat its not as easily noticable as on Zorro. Her fur is so thick it doesn't even shed out smoothly by her tail, it will form little mats if I don't watch it. She also has been sweeter than usual the past couple of weeks. Maybe Galahad is rubbing off on Auntie Diva.
Guess that's it for now.