Mar 12, 2014 01:41
So you know how you hear stories about there being guys out there who, when they get "friendzoned", they no longer want anything to do with that chick, or worse, they get mad and lash out? Well, I found out today that its not just stories guys.
I met a guy at a rave Saturday. Seemed like a decent guy. Until he texted me Monday while I was at work and seemed bothered that I couldn't respond immediately. I explained that I can't have my phone out at work but that I would respond when possible. Now this morning (Tuesday), he texts asking how I'm doing at work. I can't get to it cause of the call volume so an hour after the text, he calls my phone. Thankfully I had it on vibrate. Obviously, I didn't answer. An hour later he sends another text and I remind him again, I can get FIRED for having my phone out. Give me some time, yo.
After my shift, we're texting back and forth a little bit. He mentions wanting to set a date to hopefully spend time with me and asked if I was cool with MAKING TIME for him, in order to get to know one another. I kindly explained that I'd been planning for Anime Matsuri this weekend for a while and even had a whole group of friends I was planning on meeting up with but that I'd have free time during the rave. That I would be cool with spending time as friends at the rave but that for anything else, I just wasn't in a good spot for right now. (I have a crush I'm working to get over ><;)
His response "You know what you want and its not me. Let me know if you ever wanna spend time with me and ACTUALLY get to know me"
DUDE, I danced with you to ONE song. I told you I'd gladly meet up with you if you wanted to come to the rave. I'm not gonna drop this event I've been planning for months, this event I'm going to see a ton of friends I haven't seen in forever, or will even be meeting for the first time to go on a date with you. You don't even have me yet and you're already this clingy? Calling cause I'm not answering texts? Lashing out cause I won't adjust my plans around you? I don't know if I sound like a bitch but bro, we barely met 3 days ago...really? You're gonna get mad cause I won't ditch my friends for you? No thank you. I'm not that desperate for human contact.