I didn't list out exactly what I bought at the used bookstores in Seattle and Salt Lake City on this trip, and those books were packed in a box and shipped home earlier in the trip. But Dave Lapkin specifically requested a list of the haul I picked up at
Fahrenheit's Books in Denver last night, so here it is:
I filled in another decent hole in my Doc Savage collection (I'm rebuilding the set I had as a teen, in the Bantam paperbacks editions): Meteor Menace (3), Fortress of Solitude (23), The Other World (29), The Flaming Falcons (30), The Squeaking Goblin (35), World's Fair Goblin (39), The Gold Ogre (42), The Midas Man (46), The Motion Menace (64), Haunted Ocean (51), The Freckled Shark (67), The Devil Genghis (79), The Evil Gnome (82).
I also filled in a few more of the Solar Pons collections I was missing: Memoirs, Casebook, and Return of (all by August Derleth), and Dossier and Further Adventures of (by Basil Copper; Dossier might have been an accidental re-purchase). Also got a copy of Vincent Starrett's The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, and Derleth's two Cthulu Mythos short story collections.
I also found one of the four early Hard Case Crime paperbacks I was missing: Max Allan Collins' Two For The Money, which is actually two "Nolan" novels in one paperback.
Found two of Gardner F. Fox's "Kothar the Barbarian" novels: Kothar -- Barbarian Swordsman and Kothar of the Magic Sword. Kothar was Fox's answer to Conan.
I also found Jane Yolen's Merlin's Booke, an Arthurian book I'd never heard of. I know, that concept shocks some of you.
And then there were the real rarities Win Eckert (who was at the store with me) convinced me to pick up: The Man From U.N.C.L.E. #19: The Power Cube Affair (apparently the higher # MFU books are harder to find); Phil Farmer's Fire and the Night, a rare non-SF novel from the master; and two Tarzan books: Fritz Leiber's Tarzan and the Valley of Gold (aka Tarzan 25), an authorized sequel, and Tarzan and the Cave City by Barton Werper, part of an unauthorized sequel series I had no idea existed.
So, yeah, it was a great haul ... and I could also have picked up about a dozen of the Marilyn Ross Dark Shadows novels and a few other UNCLE books, but I talked myself out of those.
It's a small but really packed-with-good-stuff store!