I decided to make one last big push for NaNoWriMo tonight, even though I'd essentially given up on it even before the holiday weekend. If you'd asked me earlier in the day if I was going to come home and write, I'm pretty sure I'd have said "no." Somehow, I decided around 7pm that I could not just lie down and let the last day of the month go by without any writing towards NaNo. So except for an hour watching Heroes, I pushed myself through from the 30,764 I'd been stalled at.
I set a goal for myself of 35,000 words by 11pm, so that I could still socialize on Facebook and play Scrabble a bit before I go to bed.
I hit 35,329 at 10:59pm.
The story overalls sucks and is far from finished. Technically, it's far from even middled. But 35,000 words in 30 days is till about 32,000 more than I've written in months.
We had a truly wonderful group up here in Northwestern NJ for NaNo this year. Paige, our "municipal liaison," set up a chat room that got far more use than I think she expected it to, even on the nights we were having in-person write-ins. Without the word wars and write-ins I was able to make it to, I would not have written as much as I did. Paige, Kate, Jessie, John, Dawn, Crash, Rev, David, Chris, Heather, Sandra and everyone else ... thank you!!!
Later this week, I'll be back to posting Heroes reviews and book reviews. And I have been neglecting
365shortstories -- I listened to a big batch of Stephen King short stories back mid-month when I drove to Cleveland and Pittsburgh, but have not posted my thoughts on them.
In other news, a fellow instructor was fired today. One of the ones who does not regularly work out of our home office, so we were surprised to see her arrive this morning, and surprised to see her leave less than an hour later after a meeting with the president. I feel bad for her, but she did not seem surprised by it, and I know of one recent mistake that resulted in very negative feedback from the attendees at her class -- not a bad thing once, but I have been told there is more to the story than I know, and that's good enough. I hope she finds another job soon, though.