
Apr 26, 2015 22:24

Hey all, once again I'm so sorry that I've been so quiet. I have been trying to keep up to date on your stories and such, however my observations for work had to come first. Plus there is no news on my operation so I'm still in emense pain most of the time.


I recently encoruaged my parents to look into our internet options...and low and behold it looks like WE HAVE ACCESS TO UNLIMITED NET. We'll know on Tuesday, so I'll keep you all informed. But if we ARE lucky enough to get it, not only will I be able to catch up on all that anime I missed, but I'll be able to re download everything and READ.


So don't give up on me yet, I hope to be back up and running soon!

P.S - Hopefully she doesn't mind me mentioning it, but....I'm meeting up with Tyrfish again on the 16th :D Which I am so excited foer it's unreal. Hopefully we'll be able to trade evil secrets, and she will give me a much needed kick up the butt to get writing again.

Until next time, hugs to you all :)
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