The Inner Workings of Evil - Top 10 Side Characters

Mar 23, 2015 19:09

Hey guys, it’s the 23rd of the month again, and this month I will be discussing some of my favourite side characters, those who are not blood siblings or spouses, but still brought something to the story. It was hard to judge them as they all had different impacts, story, emotional, theories..

So with that said I hope you enjoy and remember at least a few of them.

Also, another little message is at the bottom of the post regarding my lack of posting or commenting.


10. James ( Gen 7)

Where do I start with James? I’ll admit at first when I thought of side characters he didn’t immediately pop into my head. (Hence the low placement) however the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to give him a place.

For those who don’t remember, James is Danni’s half brother. And was also dubbed her guardian from the moment she was born, because his mother is their fathers ex. Who loves Seth dearly and is somewhat a God. I know…it’s one of my more faraway plots.

BACK ON TOPIC, James had actually located Danni’s whereabouts a lot sooner than she found him. But he knew she was with Quinn, happy and safe. He faced the decision of bringing her home or letting her live her life with Quinn. Which was obviously always going to be difficult. He put his little sisters’ feelings first and let her live her life.

Not to mention without his presence she’d never be a vampire. Or at least not under the same circumstances which made her who we all know her as presently. He taught her about the supernatural world and lot of other important life lessons.

When it comes down to it, he’s one of the best siblings I’ve ever had in the series.

9. Rose ( Gen 13)

Let me start off by saying that I have been an absolute asshole to this character.

Rose lost her husband, and has now lost her daughter too. Not to mention the tragic backstory I gave her, which will be referenced for quite a while yet. Thanks to her parents turning to dark magic after all, Dana was able to take the fatal blow for Calen.

Rose was the one who grew up with all of this however. She was raised believing that violent and dark magic was the right thing to do, and when the other mages struck against it, she found herself hunted and alone. If it wasn’t for Quinn she wouldn’t even be alive.

Originally Rose was going to be such a cliché. She was going to be the ‘necessary’ mean girl who tried to put Opal down about everything. However after playing her for only a few chapters worth (I give them all traits that I think are relevant and let them do whatever) I realised it didn’t fit with her bio at all. She was the first to get any relationship points with Opal and as I looked into her background decided to use it.

Rose was loyal to both Quinn and Opal and despite losing her husband remained a pretty strong person in the grand scheme of things. She also had a big impact on the way Calen was raised. She practically mothered him while his parents were working, and he looks up to her immensely for it.

I’ll admit it’s rare for me to put so much time and emphasis into side characters who are not related in any way to the main family, but with her I’m glad I made the exception.

8. Sky (Gen 13)

Sky was another one of those Sims who I planned to appear very briefly and not get attached to. And although I never got to fully go into the details of the rough idea I had for her story, we did get a quick look into how mermaid lore exists in my version of the world. I’m not sure whether I will include a mermaid into the actual family…that’s up to you guys I guess ;)

Sky was one of those characters that everyone liked and she proved to be a secure base for Opal during her times of need. Her naivety was refreshing and helped Opal come to grips with the world around her a little better, plus she was just a good influence to have around.

She didn’t really offer much main plot wise, but she also helped show the humanity and emotions behind other characters, such as Stefan.

7. Kian (Gens 7-8)

Firstly, I want to point out I didn’t create Kian. Carys did, so I will only be judging Kian on the role he played in my side of things.

Kian was another strong presence in generation seven who at times seemingly kept Danni and Quinn together while they had their problems establishing a relationship. Kian was Danni’s link to understanding a bit about Quinn’s background as well as the readers, and was often a calm voice when there wasn’t one present.

I’d go as far to say he helped guide Quinn into choosing to settle down with Danni, even though the idea terrified him. Kian often brought out his humanity.

Not to mention how good Kian was to Rogue, who needless to say didn’t have the best relationship with his father, Kian took on that role when Quinn failed. He was there for Rogue right up to the end.

When you think about it, it’s a hard choice which I think a lot of us as people wouldn’t know who to stay loyal to, your best friend, or someone who needs you. Yet Kian made that choice.

6. Formetia (Gen 13+)

Again, Formetia was a character that I had to stop and think about when I came up with the idea for the list. She’s not done all that much at this point in time, and there is still the open debate about whether she’s a villain or not.

But as a character she is still very crucial and will still play a big part in the story. Hello, she created the old ones that we all love to hate. And even though she has shown her remorse over her actions for it, we still have a lot to learn. And also see if she’ll help bring them down or not when the time comes.

Plus Formetia is one of the few characters (I believe) to appear evil all the way through yet redeem herself once her plans came to light, she’d never wanted to trap any of the Shadow Society. And when she saw Daniel had a chance to be the first to break free, she did whatever she could to free him.

Plus she’s been another supportive figure to Calen as he aged. It doesn’t hurt to have more friends who are immune to your eyes after all. And who knows, perhaps she’ll be there for his own children too.

5. Mia (Gen 6)

Where do I even start to explain this one? Mia for a time was simply known as the girl who broke Seth’s heart, but as time passed we began to learn that everything wasn’t as it seemed.

As for her origins…well that’s a storyline that I try to gloss over these days. What was I thinking? Having your simself’s child become a main character. A goddess figure no less. *cringe*

Regardless of how cringey it is to look back on, her role was really pivotal to how Seth’s Gen played out. Plus she is James’ mother so she effects generation 7 and 8 too.

Mia was the character shrouded in shadows that everyone was curious about, and even when everything about her origins came to light….not everything was revealed at once. I like how no one was quite sure what to make of her, she genuinely loved Seth, but with her role as a guardian it made things very blurred. In the end it was to much and Seth couldn’t  welcome that world and be a part of it. That would fall to his daughter.

Mia in herself was a strong character that was there for both comedy purposes at times, but was always a support for Seth and was the necessary humanity that she needed.

At least Mia got to forever be with Seth in a way through their son James.

So I’m not all bad, right?

4. Dana (Gen 14)

How could I not put Dana on this list? It feels a little bit cheeky as she only ‘died’ this month but the impact she left was so immense that she sprung to mind instantly.

Dana was accustomed to loss from an early age, seeing as her father died before she was even born. Whereas at times her twin hated Calen for it, Dana never once let that affect her judgement of Calen or his family. Instead she treasured every moment with Calen, and was his biggest support once his curse kicked in.

Dana is memorable in my eyes for being almost tomboyish at times and could easily be a friend, mission partner or even a reality check for Calen, knowing what to say whenever it needed to be said.

She’s smart, sensible and extremely loyal which eventually leads to her downfall.

I don’t want to press into why she gave her life for Calen as she did, that could be explored more later on, but in her eyes she knew Calen could be of more use to the world than she could. She’d read his file, the file on the curse, and knew that it’s a test that the family needs to pass, if Calen had died, it could be passed on to Liam, and that was something Calen would never have wanted.

So she made the ultimate decision and put her best friend first, something to be respected.

3. Zack (Gen 8)

Did I bring up some emotional flashbacks with this one? Sorry.

Zack’s death was probably one of the most ‘worst’ things I’ve ever done. However in order for Rogue’s plot to unfold, he needed to lose all he loved. Including Zack.

Zack was so wonderfully human and it really showed during gen 8. Rogue had grown up hating everything supernatural and find peace with the twins Eve and Zack. Little did he know that while he dated Eve, it was Zack who really loved him. What he loved about Rogue, sadly we’ll never know.

Zack was sweet and innocent, and always looked out for Rogue. I can’t quite remember if I included this in the story, but I had originally written for Rogue to vent his frustrations at his father with alcohol and perhaps drugs too, but Zack was going to be the one to help him through it. All while being human.

Zack and Rogue probably would have been happily married together. Back then genetic kids wasn’t an option so they’d have probably used Eve to carry their children, but alas that wasn’t meant to be.

2. Jaden (Gen 5-6)

Jaden was another hard one to place, simply because it’s a been a long time since he’s been around, but during Generation 5 Jaden’s personality and background were quite the captivating plot points, a spin off was even in the works but eventually fell flat due to college getting in the way.

Jaden was originally meant to only exist so Finn could experience parenthood and pine for his own child with a woman who loved him, whereas Tate clearly didn’t. However Jaden quickly became a character all his own, and everyone appeared to love how funny, charming and witty he was. And when it was revealed his father was non other than the wanted man Finn was looking for, I tried my hand at writing a dark, guilt ridden character.

It’s a shame that the spin off never took off. I had a lot planned for Jaden once he ran away from home after his father shot Finn. He was going to experience a range of emotions that at the time I hadn’t written and go through heavy character development, and how he would have survived with his father dead.

We brushed up on it slightly in Seth’s Gen, and we see how hardened and lonely he had become, however it’s sad personally when I think to what was planned.

Even so, Jaden was extremely well liked regardless of wasted potential.

1. Jace (Gen 7+)

Best sim that I ever made on a whim. Ever. (Seriously I spent a grand total of 5 minutes on Jace) and he may have gone through quite the transformation since. But….how could I not put him as number 1?

I am shocked with how well Jace has done as a character. Originally he was going to be a spy, hesitate because of the kindness Storm had shown him, and then die by the hands of Quinn. No attachments. He wasn’t even going to know Quinn.


Jace probably has a more document backstory than anyone. And it’s a treat to write bits and pieces of his past with Quinn even to this day. But as generation 13 hinted at there is more for you to learn.

it’s interesting to have a character as experienced as Jace, he’s been a mentor or father figure to several of the heirs even generations down the line and he has gone through the most character development out of any of my characters.

He has a dark side like everyone, and he’s survived the brunt of it. It affected him for a while but that only showed that despite his age Jace is still human. Just look at how Quinn’s absence has hit him.

It kind of makes me sad that I never really got to show you what Jace is like with his kids, his blood family. We saw a little bit of it with Stefan and Alex but seeing as he’s not technically part of the main family I didn’t think anyone would appreciate chapter after chapter of his life. Maybe one day.

I never rule anything out for Jace. Will he be around until the last gen of the auracy? Hopefully. Unless I decide to embrace my evil but what is the chances of that happening?

Anyway, thanks to all who read this, and now for the news I promised at the start regarding my absence.

I really planned to get back into storytelling. I brought a computer and everything, and I was (and am) very motivated to do so.


I have been having major pains with my stomach for a few months and after several trips to the doctors, scans, and blood tests I now know what the problem is.

Gallstones. Apparently a lot of them. At the moment there is nothing I can do to ease the pain and am currently waiting on a date for an operation to take my gallbladder out.

Something I’m not eager to do, however in the long run I  think it necessary seeing as when I’m in pain I can’t do anything. Including writing. So progress will be slow…but I AM determined to carry on.

And I’m even thinking of taking to video commentaries of challenges. Would you guys watch that?

Thanks for understanding…and 2 months until the 4 year mark!!!
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