I have been away from my comp all last week *missed everyone a lot >.<*
I applied for a scholarship to study in japan and yesterday was the exam ._. Sadly I think I sucked on it u.u
I will apply for that same scholarship next year too tough i'll will be more prepared x_x
Two weeks ago here was a lil "visual" and GL event and uhm....it sucked soooooo much XDD;
First of all the place was full of freaky otakus *those scary ones XD* who knew nothing about jrock -_-;
There was a cosplay contest. Some lolitas were ok XD but most of the costumes where really out of place ._. I even saw a yugi-oh! character there lol!
and then they tough all jrockers have a piece of cloth over their noses like reita ._.
it was really annoying ._. actually
I think
akuxmiya and I where the only ones that really knew SOMETHING about "visual"
Anyway XP I bought my white contacts (*´д`*) and I used them there ^^ -I needed an excuse to buy them XD;-
boo : o *bathroom pic 8D*
Aku and me X3
I think this GL was ok ._. except for the white hair o.o though akuma said she looked like Abraham Lincoln lol!
no comment ._.
and some camwhoring XD
Bai Bai ☆
PD: *O* Happy birthday Ina!!! ♥♥♥♥♥