Stolen from
sakkito :3
01. Who was the first J-rock Band you heard?: Plastic tree
02. Who's the most recent J-rock Band you've heard?: Billy and fatima XD
03. Who's your favourite J-rock Band?: Alice nine (I'm obssesed @@)
04. Name 5 other Bands you Like: SCISSOR, gazette, kazoku, dir en grey, 176biz
05. -Eats the question because Anu did.- x_X; .__.
06. Are you a fangirl/boy?: Fangirl : D
07. If yes, of Who?: Sho, tara
08. Do you cosplay?: I didn once o.o
09. If you do, or would like to, who?: Kana, hizumi, makoto, kyo etc etc XP
10. Do you like Dir en grey?: Yes o_o a lot
11. Are you a Toshiya fangirl?: Nope : B but he's hot
12. How about Kaoru?: NO O_o xD
13. Die?: YES *-*
14. Kyo?: sometimes XD
15. Shinya?: he's ...interesting XDD; but i'm not a fangirl of him ._.
16. What's your favorite Deg song?: umbrella, saku
17. Do you like visual bands or non-visual bands?: I like more visual ones : x
18. What's the first J-rock song you heard?: somthing I saw in popjam ...siam shade @@?
19. What's the last song you heard? : Marusa - Yami agari
20. Do you buy J-rock magazines?: no ;_;
21. What's your favourite?: Cure
22. Have you ever been to any J-rock concerts?: no .TT____TT
23. Which ones?: ;_;
24. What would you do if you saw any J-rocker walking down the street in your town?: kidnap them 8D;
25. Which Jrocker are you most in love lust with?: shou °_° and tara o.o
26. Which three Jrockers would you most love to meet in person (Dead or alive)?: EDIT: Tara, Die, Shou (XD;)
27. What are the three things you would like to say to/ask them?: errmmm @@ *skips XDD;*
28. Which three Jrockers can you relate to most?: ryutaro
29. Which three Jrock songs do you constantly replay?: Alice nine - Yami ni chiru sakura
30. Do you currently have a Jrocker computer background?: yup, Yumehito *-*
31. Which Jrocker would you most like to get fashion/makeup advice from?: Tara ♥_♥
32. Do you read Jrock fan fiction?: I'm addicted *_____*
33. What is your favourite Jrocker related dream?: Once i dreamt that i went to a Diru concert tot
34. How many Jrock MP3s do you have?: No idea @@
35. And, finally, if you could sleep with any three Jrockers, who would they be?: SHOU *---* or tara XD
I created a
deviantART account o.o' not sure how to use it @@