Oct 14, 2007 17:09
Choose a fictional character that you believe is similar to you in looks and/or personality and answer the following questions.
Alright...like her, I'm asking for it by saying this. Piro from Megatokyo. Hush from the peanut gallery for now, I don't want to hear it...for now >.>
1. How is this character like you?
I'm like Piro in a multitude of ways, but I suppose the most glaring thing is that we're both gaming nerds. We both like the hooded sweatshirts that he seems to have on at all times, we both like shirts that say shit. Personality-wise, we're both emotionally immature in some ways, we're both awkward at various things. Both of us are very loyal to our friends, at times to the point of being obnoxious or downright irritating. We both seem really cute and cuddly (Sekai, shut it, I don't want to hear it DX) but we have that hard surface when you're messing with our friends. We're both very insecure, meso more than him most of the time though. We both can screw up our relationships big time, even if all we want to do is do the right thing. I'm much more perverted than the poor boy though, even though he's probably more world-wise than I am. We both just want to help and to change, even if we don't know the right way to do that.
2. What differences are there between you and this character?
Well...he's not perverted and I am? He's living in Japan and I'm definitely in America. He can also do more than I can, given that he's in different situations than I am. He can also change slightly quicker than I can, and he's more comfortable around people. He can get irritated and show it more easily than I can. He's very easy to read from anyone, and he startles much violently than I do just from people being around him.
3. Do you like or dislike this character?
I like him. I have to honestly say that I enjoy what he does and how he does it. He does the things that I wish that I had the courage to do, or that I had the chance to do them.
4. Would you date this character if they existed in real life?
He don't swing that way, sorry. Not sure if I would want to...kinda hazy on that aspect.
5. Are there any canon relationships this character has that are similar to ones you have?
Possibly? As she said, Sekai is my Kimiko supposedly, so yes, there is a "similar" relationship there. Other than that? Nope!
character meme,