I haven't had a Cute Picture of the Day for awhile, so here it is:
SOMEBODY got into the flag cake!
Courtesy of
Cute Overload, of course.
I spent the 4th of July lying in my hammock, reading The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie. It was a really fun read: the narrative voice is extremely clever, lots of plays on words and such. The only let-down is that the villians turn out to be the "military-industrial complex" and rogue elements of the CIA who decide to stage a terrorist attack (well, a bloodless kidnapping) so that some guy can sell his fancy new helicopter. And the virtuous Brit turns the tables on them. Yawn! Oh, uh, I guess that was kind of a spoiler.
But it was written in 1996, pre-911, so I can't be too annoyed with the conspiracy theory resonances. And besides, the whole book is supposed to be a send-up of the spy genre, and it relies on clichés, turned on their heads, for its charm. And it was, indeed, a charming little read.
It's not fair that some people have so much talent: writing, acting, music. And fabulously good at all three. I'll take his writing talent off his hands, if it gets to be too much for him. Really, it's no problem.