(no subject)

Jun 15, 2006 09:59

Sitting here waiting for the Provigil to kick in. I didn't sleep well last night. No CPAP again, though last night I did use it and had a bit of a time concentrating, especially near the end of the day. (Um, duh!)

It's been unusually cool these past few days. The cold front hasn't done much for my well-being, as usual. I was really drowsy this morning and continue to be so. Good thing they sell Mt. Dew here, too. And not just the basic flavor: they've got LiveWire. :D

In the GE bathrooms the toilets are manual flush, but the sink, soap dispenser, and towel dispenser are all electronic. I guess that makes sense, this being General Electric and all. Yet it makes me wonder what we're supposed to do if the power goes out. No water to wash the hands. (Of course, if the power goes out, we'll all be groping around in the dark, because there are no windows in most of the building.) Nevertheless, it gets comical sometimes when washing my hands, because the motion of rinsing my hands under the faucet sometimes triggers the soap dispense to squirt more soap. Not wasteful at all, that.

I've seen an American Avocet poking around these last few days in yet another puddle left by the floods of '83 near a highway offramp. Just one. I thought they were flock birds.

I think maybe I can face the wiring diagrams now. I've pretty much finished AC power. Now onto DC power.

UPDATE: Ok, maybe not right away. I just downed 20 oz of Mt. Dew LiveWire. Let's see if that jump-starts the old brain pan. I have been poking around the Internet instead, looking for a freakin' page that tells you what wiring diagram symbols mean. If you want to know that, don't Google "wiring diagram": all you'll get are wiring diagrams, but no master list of symbols and their meanings. The correct term is "schematic symbols," which leads you to helpful places like this. Finally. I've been looking for that junk since I started working here nearly two weeks ago.

An observation: don't listen to early 70s rock with only one headphone. I was listening to vintage Yes this morning ("Long Distance Runaround"), and it sounded really funny because they were taking full advantage of that newfangled thing called "stereo." Half the music tracks are on one side, and half on the other.

UPDATE II: I'm having a bit of a bad day. I'm not yet worked up into a snit, I've just had a hard time settling down and getting things done. Gotta give the client his money's worth, after all. I find resonance in today's Bleat, though I am not tormented by as much minutiae as he is. Just by a sleep-deprived brain. Distractions abound: I uploaded a few new CDs to iTunes this morning (as I am wont to do every morning), and then I have to go back and correct the capitalization and spelling of the tune, artist, and album names. And sometimes adjust the genre. Get this: they classified a Salsa CD as "Electronica/Dance." Salsa. I had to create the "Latin" category for them. The idea!

UPDATE III: This is why parody is dead: You can't make this stuff up.

provigil, cpap, music, birds, work

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