I have a Sith plant. Actually, it's a Begonia rex, similar to
this kind (called "Escargot" because of its cute little whorl at the base of the leaf).
I bought it at Home Depot a few months ago, and it was sickly indeed, but it was the only Rex Begonia with the whorl, so I absolutely had to have it.
So I have it here at the office, and it never has more than two healthy leaves at once. As soon as a third new leaf develops, the older of the other two leaves shrivels and dies. So it's a Sith.
Did Christmas at my sisters' houses in Nampa again, after doing Thanksgiving there, too. We were supposed to drive home on the 26th, but there were storms between Burley and Bountiful, and there are stretches around the Utah/Idaho border that are horrifically bad even with light snow because of the constant wind and the drifts that build up on the road.
So we left on the morning of the 27th and found that when you drive east on I-84 out of Boise, the freeway is aligned exactly with the sun's winter solstice position. Who designed the road, druids? We had to stop for breakfast to let the sun get far enough above the horizon that my mom could see without staring into Earth's proximate nuclear furnace.
Half my Xmas gift from Mom was the couch (it was for the birthday, too), but she also gave me some binoculars with a digital camera attached. Haven't tried it out yet. I also got a bonsai schefflera, some books, and a scrapbook that my mom made for each of us kids that contained old schoolwork that she'd saved as well as stuff my grandma had kept. It was eerie looking at stuff that I vaguely remember creating back when I was someone else.