back from the dead

Sep 22, 2009 17:34

I don't know why I've slipped out of LJ posting so much in the last few months... Ah well.

+ Fall TV! Is it weird how much I enjoy this time of year? It's like Christmas! My viewing schedule:

Monday: Heroes
Tuesday: ---
Wednesday: Gleeeeee
Thursday: FlashForward, The Office, Project Runway
Friday: Dollhouse

Less important but I might still watch occasionally:
Monday: Greek, Castle, Chuck
Tuesday: NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles
Wednesday: ---
Thursday: Fringe
Friday: Ugly Betty

What sucks is that I have night class on Mondays and Thursdays, so I'll have to wait to watch a lot of these until after they go up online (note to self: Heroes is not posted on Hulu until 5am-ish, so waiting up for it like I tried to do last night is not such a good idea). Then there are the shows I am watching online just because I feel like it: Leverage (I've watched about half of each season at this point), Friday Night Lights (a few episodes into season 2), and Life on Mars (UK version, 4 episodes in--the person who is posting awesome-quality eps on youtube seriously needs to UPDATE ALREADY, DAMMIT). Gee, good thing I don't have a job, or else I don't know how I'd watch all my TV! *sobs over lack of income*

+ The Heroes premiere was, in my opinion, fantastic. It feels well-paced so far, and I'm very intrigued by the new storylines and new characters. Also, I love Peter more than life itself. PETER/HESAM FTW. I enjoyed them the first time we saw them together last volume, and now I am just adoring Hesam's obvious love for his partner. Did you see how he looked at Peter while the latter was taking his shirt off in the locker room? The cute snark about the twin babies being named Peter? "THAT'S THE PARTNER I KNOW AND LOVE"?? They're meant to be together.

Can I also say how much I loved Nathan's voicemail for Peter? "Something's happening to me, and I think you're the only person who's gonna understand what it is." Peter says basically the same thing to Nathan in the first episode of the series, trying to convince him that he can fly; now, it's Peter who's ignoring Nathan. Really enjoyed the parallel there.

Also, LOL to Claire's math professor reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

+ I've been working on a Simon and Monty Petrelli fic since I think April, and I wish I weren't so lazy about writing because it could totally be finished by now. I've been procrastinating by making a fanmix for it, haha. I was trying to push myself to finish the fic before the Heroes premiere, but clearly I failed there. I've got about 7,000 words written, but there's probably another 7,000 more to go. Argh.

+ In real life news, my family babysat a friend's doggie at our house this past weekend. I should note that my family has not had a dog in the house for, oh, 20 years, so having the dog around at all times was quite an adventure. Luckily, doggie is well-behaved, plus my mom took her outside and fed her and stuff, so my job of petting and belly-rubbing was rather easy. Pets aren't so hard! :P

fandom: heroes, sometimes i have a life

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