(no subject)

Aug 28, 2009 05:09

So, last night I got a horrible migrane. I took the meds I have for it, but we were out and about when I it first came on, and those meds only really work if you take them right when you feel it. Usually I would have to deal with it, but Ethan was amazing last night. I went to bed at 7:45, and left him to handle both kids. I had just nursed Jude, but he was screaming bloody murder for no real reason (teething much??), and I just couldn't deal with it. I felt like I was going to vomit and my head was KILLING ME. I just said Ethan I have to go lay down or I'm going to puke and throw somebody. He just said ok, I hope you feel better.

About 45 minutes after I fell asleep he came in and said Jude was still screaming, so I tried to nurse him (and omg my nipples are sooooo sore, I know TMI, but hopefully it's getting my period sore and not pregnant sore), and he wasn't having it. So, Ethan gave him some peas, and that didn't work. He walked around with him and that didn't work. We tried laying down with him and that didn't work. So, I told him to try taking him for a drive. Ethan wasn't happy about it, because he had to be at work at 4:30 am (which is why I'm updating at 5:15 by the way, I had to drop him off because I needed the car). He passed out on the drive, and Ethan brought him in and put him in bed with me, and he stayed asleep. Woo!! Go Ethan! I think this is the 3rd time Ethan has EVER gotten him to sleep while I've been home.

I'm so ecstatic, thankful, and every other amazing emotion that you can feel that he finally stepped up and handled it. I feel much better this morning.

So, yeah, we got up at 4 to take Ethan to work. He was supposed to be OFF today, but he volunteered for a detail at the range. He'll get monday off though, which he did on purpose so he could go with us to Shaina's occupational therapy evaulation.

In other news, I need to get a baby gate, because once Jude starts crawling I don't want him getting into the kitchen. He already ended up down the hall, under the couch, halfway under his pack n play, and tried to climb up the tv stand. Gah, why couldn't I have a floppy newborn for a little bit longer?? Shaina was the same way though... she was pulling up and cruising at 6 months, but she didn't walk too early (right before her 1st bday... thank god). Jude is such a smart little booger. He always tries to steal the spoon while we're feeding him so he can *try* to do it himself.

I'm taking Shaina to the treehouse today. We haven't done anything all week, because I haven't been up to it, but yeah we're going for sure today. I got up at 4 to take Ethan just so we could go lol.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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