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Aug 27, 2009 10:39

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that when I took Jude to his well baby appointment the doctor we got was Shaina's doctor. I love her for Shaina, but I wasn't sure about how she was with babies. She was amazing. When I warned her not to touch his foreskin before the exam she was like oh no I would never do that... it would really hurt him and cause him to possibly have to have emergency surgery. So, yeah she was pretty awesome. I was so thrilled to have a decent doc on post lol.

I forgot to mention that we started solids. I know we're a little early, but he's definitely ready, and we're doing it on his lead. He's starting to sit unassisted, has completely lost the tongue thrust reflex, and is barely starting the pincher grasp. He tries to steal food all the time. So far he really likes carrotts and pears and bananas, not so much on the green beans. It's made him poop regularly (woo!! no more worrying about not pooping for 7 days), and he's a little piggy.

I decided to switch Shaina's occupation therpist. I didn't feel like the one we had worked with very many chilredn or was doing enough with her. All she had for kids was a bookshelf of random toys, and all she did with Shaina was coloring and electrical acupuncture for 20 minutes and then we were done. So, now we are going to drive about 45 minutes - 1 hour to the memorial hospital in savannah where the office is apparently amazing. She can also get her physical therpy and speech therapy done there too. I don't think she'll need the speech therapy, but the doc wants her evaluated anyway. They are going to redo her occupational therapy evaluation, and I'm a little nervous to see what the results are. Her las eval said her fine motor skills were at 27 months, but they didn't mention anything else. I just think she's regressing a little bit. I'm working with her, but I recall a time when she would pull her own pants up, and now she can't. So, yeah that's on Monday, and Ethan has monday off, so he's coming with us.

I think I'm going to ask the doctor to switch Shaina to a different mood stablizer med. The med she's on is making her hungry, and she has gained like 4-5 lbs since she started it in July, and she's starting to look chunky. It's terrible, but I get nervous about it, because my little sister got really fat at this age, and she got so huge that she was wearing a women's size 18 when she was 8. She slimmed down when she hit puberty, but she has serious body issues now.

Other than that Shaina and I feel like poo... we just feel icky, so we are just laying on the couch doing nothing. It's fantastic. We were supposed to go to the pool, but it's pouring ass outside so I guess not. We have $7 until payday. I need to sell something to make some gas $$ to get to savannah on monday. This blows.
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