♪ happy birthday to grassy, happy birthday to me ♪

Nov 10, 2009 19:12

Thanks to clearday_4ever, I now have all the episodes of both Vampire Knight anime series, which makes for a very Happy early Birthday for Grassy. ^.^ She knows just how much I adore the manga because I've bitched about it to her often, though she's never read it herself. (The more I bitch about a series, the more I love it. Because only something I really like can stir up my emotions so much.)

Anyway, I downloaded a few of the first eps way back when, but other things kept me from really going after it and since I already had access to the manga...yeah. Especially since those few episodes left me with certain impressions that did not fade; and, in fact, became even more blatant after finishing all of the series.

1 - It was a cheesefest of overdramatic, vampiric wangst. (Not that one can't enjoy such things, but when certain moments of drama leave one in giggles...yeah.)

2 - Chickification of Yuuki, which PISSED ME OFF. She has her moments in the manga, but she's not nearly so weak and wishy-washy as in the anime. (This one...doesn't really have an upside. D: Especially when it continues throughout the series. The End Of Rido - NEED I SAY MORE?)

3 - The entire point of the anime is not about the YuuKana/Zeki romance-triangle-thing, or Yuuki searching for her past, or even the issues of politics in the vampire world. It is, in fact, about how pulpy a mess can Zero's heart be crushed into and him still be able to survive. NEVER MIND WHAT THIS DOES TO THE VIEWER, ESPECIALLY ONE WHOSE FAVORITE CHARACTER IS ZERO.

4 - The End. In SO many ways. The ease and manner of Rido's death. Yuuki going off into the sunset with Kaname and his harem friends. Yuuki fed from Zero, which was good, but WHERE WAS THE FUCKING KISS?! ASDFGHJKL; HAPPY ENDINGS WTFH GRASSY IS NOT HAPPY WITH THIS UNLESS IT MAKES FOR A RELATIVELY ANGST-FREE ZEKI REUNION. OR AT LEAST KANAZEKI OT3 SMUT. TT________TT

On the other hand, there were also a great many things I did enjoy. Here are a few~

1 - Yagari-sensei got a lot more screentime, in all of his deliciously delicious glory. And it was almost always with Kurosu-rijichou, who ranged from looking like a cutely frumpy housewife to HOFUCK molestable hotness. GIVE ME A "HELL YEAH" FOR THE INCREDIBLY GAY DUO!

2 - Ichiru-chan also got a lot~ of screentime and EEEEEEEE~ even more IchiZero moments~♥ (Truthfully, I could have settled for Kaname/Yuuki, had the series only given me Ichiru/Zero happily ever afters. *shakes fist clenching used handkerchief*)

3 - More interaction and focus upon the Night Class members that are close to Kaname. *sighs* All of those lovely moments between Akatsuki and Ruka, hanyaaan~♥

4 - Haruka and Juuri~♥ I want more about these two in the manga as well. There's just so much we still don't know. :(

5 - Miyano Mamoru as the Kiryuu twins. Fffffffffffff hell yes fucking fapfapfap~

6 - Shiki going after Ichijou. Rima following Shiki. (I prefer Ichijou/Shiki, but OT3 is scorching hot. *fans self* And the anime doesn't have the Shirabuki Sara plot complicating things.)

So, all in all, this was awesome and lovely and squeeeeeeeeee~ worthy. ^.^

Now if only the manga would quit pissing me off. Or give me a bit more hope and a bit less RIP OUT YOUR HEART AND FEAST UPON IT. Or even a few more of the really cute friendship/bonding moments between Ruka and Yuuki that make me want to write more in my YuuRu AU I wrote for No True Pair. :D

random: spoilers, random: rant, random: fangirly rambling, series: vampire knight

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