fffffff the ribb/tier dance looks pretty again~

Nov 04, 2009 19:04

I'm sure everyone's noticed by now the craptastic way Photobucket has been dicking around with image quality. It's not quite so noticable with icons in .png format. But .jpg images, especially those of large size - like, oh, HEADERS - are quite simply fucked. WITHOUT lube. So, yeah. TT_____TT

I went ahead and switched my header over to ImageShack. The timing was pretty good, too, since I decided to clean up my profile page recently. I wanted the profiles for both takerzmuse and love_kink to be matched to their IJ/DW incarnations, no matter the difference in layouts otherwise.

So now we get the Glühen version Weiß guys in my personal/fic journal and my icon journal gets a Zero/Yuuki image that I colored a while back and decided to fiddle with. (It's from earlier on in the manga, before the mangaka PISSED ME OFF BEYOND BELIEF with the direction of the series. WTFH I WAS READING THIS FOR THE ZEKI & KIRYUUCEST SO WHY IS IT NOW ALL ABOUT YUUKANA ASDFGHJKL;?!)

I'm also, slowly but surely, getting my fic posted over onto my DW journal. There'll be a few things I leave LJ exclusive (mostly because it's stuff I've abandoned, at least for now), but all future fic will be posted there first. This journal will get the usual header stuff I post and then a link to the full DW post. That's why I'm finally going through and finishing up the graphics for my various themed claims - makes for prettier linking, though I'm remaking a few of the more craptastic images.

Once all of that's done, I'm going to finally create a DW comm for all of my Winamp skins and random other things like wallpapers and tutorials. The site that hosted all of my winskins went down a long~ time ago so it's about damn time, especially as I have many more that I've made since my last skin post. *is made of procrastination fail*

random: rant, media: layouts

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