Oct 29, 2004 23:10
I ahve new tires and axles. But I was driving it tonight (it feels os good to be able to say that) and the axles seemed to be making weird noises. Either that or it was some other body part that needs tending to which I have no clue. But yes, I drove around tonight. I drive. woot
I'm tired though.
I saw Birth. That was a weird ass movie. It's one of those movies that you walk out of so confused that you aren't even sure if it was worth the 6 bucks. I'm still at a loss for what's all going on in it.
I wanted to see Saw, but Jared is only 16. I guess it's better then, since, well, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep right now if I had seen Saw. But yes, I definitely am thinking of seeing it on halloween. Anybody want to come with?
I've decided I'm going to be a playboy bunny. I just need fishnets. Anybody have some to spare?
My computer is acting really strange. I guess I shouldn't stay on it that much longer. I need to go to sleep anyway.
good night