Oct 25, 2004 21:32
I'm getting my car registered tomorrow! FINALFUCKINGLY!
Yeah. Really happy about that. Now I'll actually be able to drive it. My mechanic is bedridden so my baby can't be fixed until this weekend. poo. I'll still drive it when I get my tag though!
I've been feeling particularly shitty these past couple days. I just burst into tears. I feel alone and without a confidant. Everyone is busy or everyone has their own problems so when I try to talk, I just look like a whiney bitch. I hate it.
But I had some chocolate peanut butter swirl ice cream, so I'm feeling much better now.
My sis's wedding was beautiful. I was made the maid of honor the night before. This really is not something special. All I did was fluff her dress while she was walking across the altar, and dance with the best man (who was particularly cute). I made good use of my chic winter coat, wearing it religiously the whole time. I felt like a movie star! Sonia looked so beautiful. If I knew how, I would post pics when I get them, but I'm really computer challenged. I only know copy and paste. That's about it.
Caleb is so big! And perverted! haha Well, perverted in that innocuous eleven-year-old way. He asked me, "Have you done it?" I replied, "Done what?" And his response: "Do I have to spell it out for you?" "Yes." And so he did with his finger on the back of the car seat because he's too prude to just say it. But where does he get off asking me this? He's a sick little boy, I tell you. But the cutest nephew in the world! My gosh, he's just so adorable!
Brenda invited me to her home in Rocky Mount, NC for Christmas. Dad said 'it's a possibility.' *crosses fingers* Maybe then I might see snow! I have seen snow since I was 4!
Oh, yeah, I flew in a plane! 4 times! It's not bad. I was nervous the first time, but after that it was just a breeze. Airline pretzels are the shiznik.
BTW, the new The Used cd is rather disappointing. They went emo! What's wrong with them? I couldn't even finish listening to it. Oh, and TBS show is sold out *pout*. I took the day off and everything ><. Oh well, now I can go to a halloween party or something dumb or other . .
I don't feel like unpacking.
We had a quiz today in math that I would have aced had I had my calculator. Yet I didn't. It's sitting on the floor at my feet as we speak, and it's been there since last Thursday. So I failed it miserably in the short time allowed to do the equations by hand. Thank God the lowest quiz is dropped. I would kill myself if I got a B in that class. I mean, it's all fucking review. I can understand a B in pre-cal, but college algebra? That is beyond failure, that's just disgusting.
But that boy in my math class. I think I'm starting to like him. Idunno.
Ew, I just spat all over myself. I'm such an idiot.