
Jan 31, 2006 13:51

Things are looking up again!

I sat down with my notoriously hard-to-track-down advisor yesterday and worked through some of the glitches in my courses (like the fact that I wasn't getting any credit for all the Russian I'd taken). In the process of that, I got to see my file, including my high school recommendations. I just got a glance at them, but someone said that I was a "highly motivated student." So that's nice to know.

Also, in looking through my checklist, I realized that after I finish this semester I only need 18 credits to graduate. So theoretically, I can graduate a semester early. Or, if I do well enough this semester, I can enroll in the honours programme and be even more awesome.

One of our assignments for Engineering Communications was a job application letter. It was fun writing out all the reasons why I'm wonderful and people should jump at the chance to hire me.

I really have no problem with self-confidence, do I?

//Edit: I wasn't intentionally trying to be all snooty with the British spelling of "honours programme," that's just how it came out when I typed it. I guess New Zealand seeped into my brain more than I thought it did.
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