Still feeling kind of numb, but pulled enough of myself together to do some quick sketches. I guess I just wanted, needed to throw something on that paper. Of course I couldn't find my pencil sharpener, and every pencil I had was too dull to draw with. And I couldn't find my good drawing pen cause it was with my pencil sharpener. So I just picked up my cheapy ballpoint and went to town. I didn't even spend that long on them [maybe 5 minutes each?] but I don't care, I still really like them. I like the idea of them, if that makes any sense. I intend to use these as a basis for some paintings.
The Panic of Desperationuntitleduntitled closeup <--he totally rocks
Anyways, I really like the first one. I have been waiting to use that name for awhile now, and I finally got to use it [titles are so hard for me]. I guess I need to go buy some paint thinner because I am itching to start painting again, but I can't find my old jar of the shit. Plus I need to start before I become so depressed I don't want to do it at all for fear of fucking it up [yeah, it's irrational but it's just what I do].
And I guess I haven't been here in awhile, so I may as well shameless self-promote. I put my site up :
The Misfit Dreamers. The illustration on the front page is kinda cool, if you feel the need to take a gander.
ps - I've come to accept the fact that I know NO idea how to use lj anymore. I don't feel like figuring out how to get the links right. Whatever.