The Warrior Elite- Chapter 1

Jan 23, 2011 19:58

Title: The Warrior Elite
Pairing: yunjae, yoosu (after chapter 1)
Genre: Angst, Violence, Romance
Length: (1/?)
Rating: PG 13 - NC 17
Warning: Violence, con-consent., Dark themes, Attmepted Suicide

Summary: Yunho lives in a warrior tribe. Violence is no stranger, and wars are a constant thing in the everyday life. Jung yunho is the son of a powerful leader in the tribe what happens when a captured slave from another tribe is brought in the Yakata tribe? 

The Warrior Elite
Chapter 1

The feel of blood under his skin. It was the best feeling in the world.

He jumped forward slaying the enemy, cutting though his fragile neck, causing the blood to spill to the ground. Yunho carefully observed in sick satisfaction as the heavy blade of his sword cut through the soft flesh. The cut was as clean as anyother that he had made. The clean flesh was proof of his experienced hands and advanced techniques. He smirked to himself as he thought of the long years he spent training under his harsh master. The man was brutal, and that was that.

His master was a young man barely any older than him and yet, Yunho was scared shitless everytime he angered the man. Choi Siwon was a handsome man, with killer skills. Yunho knew of Siwon's scarring past. The rumor in his village was that his parents had left him when he was merely seven years old.

Apperantly, Yunho's father who was a powerful war lord had found Siwon, and had brought him to the family. In order to make Mr.Jung proud, Siwon had trained hard to be a well-known fighter warrior. When Yunho turned fourteen, his dad, Mr.Jung, had told Siwon to teach him all that he knew.

It was hard, especially at the beginning since they were practically brothers. Yunho had never once thought of Siwon as an adopted brother, therefore, they both had a hard time separating their teaching and brotherly relationship. However, as time went on, they learned to cope; and although Siwon was very harsh in his punishments, Yunho knew that he was simply trying to make him be the best of the best. For that, he appreciated his hyung. Yunho remembered the time when he kept missing the target with his sword, and the punishments he had received from the screw-ups.

The most feared punishment however, was the bamboo stick. what masters did, was dip the bamboo stick into water, and pretty much beat the student until they beg for mercy.

Yunho started to make his way down the battered field. Mutilated bodies were everywere, their blood stained the once beautiful fields of the Yakata tribe. The fowl smell of rotting flesh was effectively making Yunho gag as a reflex. Although he was unquestionably the fiercest warrior around, his body ached from the constant violence and the non-stop fighting since the battle had started over twenty hours ago.

He silently made his was through the field. He glanced around looking for other survivors, his hopes set high because of the outcome of the battle. Yakata tribe had won the fight, with only a few warriors lost.

"Hey Yunho, over here!" A scratched voice called his name. yunho's head snapped back in search of the familiar voice.

"Oh, Yoochun-ah. You bastard, how have you been?" Yoochun chuckled, punching him on the arm as he approached his old friend.

"In case you haven't noticed, we are on a battle field. How the hell do you think I've been?" Yoochun retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Yunho shrugged.

As they painfully made their way towards the town, the pair greeted other friends and companions. When they neared the busy town, the warriors were welcomed warmly as the tribe's heroes. Banners could be seen throughout the whole tribe, proudly announcing their amazing win. People were partying everywhere, wine and the newly imported sake were plentiful, and pretty much laying around.

Yunho felt a bit uncomfortable. The heat of bodies pressing against him as he passed the drunkard crowd was revolting. He had been fighting for his life merely an hour ago, and he was in no mood for getting wasted. Up ahead of him he could see Yoochun had reached the camp's medical tent, and was shamelessly flirting with the new nurse.

As he entered through the dirtied entrance, Yunho picked up the conversation of the head warriors sitting around a table at the back of the enormous tent. Their hushed voices caught his interest as he sneakily stood behind the random metal pole in the middle of the "room".

"-what do we do with him?"

"Just send him to be a slave ward!"

"But I have been waiting to fuck him sensless since I found him" Yunho stared blankly at the dirty metal pole.  He felt disgusted that the people he used to look up to, were talking like needy old men. Oh... I guess they really are needy old men...

"I was the one who suggested letting him live! Shouldn't I be the one-" Yunho glanced around the pole, looking to see who was the one who had just spoken the vile words. When he looked at the crowd, he saw all of them turn around and stare at him. He gulped when he realized he had been seen.

"Yunho my boy, come join us if you want. Since you're my favorite warrior, why don't you come here." Yunho bit back his rude reply as he walked over to the men. He hesitated as he took a seat in the circle his eyes scanning the faces around him. Suddenly, the messenger arrived with what seemed to be an urgent matter.

"He was just snuck in. Should I tell them to bring him through the back entrance?"

"Yes" Was the short reply Yunho heard. He soon noticed that the medical tent had been abandoned by the patients and the doctors and the nurses. Seems like either everyone just suddenly better, or they died. He mused. His head snapped back with the other men when he heard a quiet shuffling behind him.

Two dark figures appeared, both holding on a limp body, its head drooping downward. He was promptly dropped to the ground as the two guards left. The body didn't move an inch, and everyone seemed to be fine with that. The men were eyeing the motionless person like hungry predators, their eyes shining under the dim lights showed the lust hidden inside.

One man stood up and made his way to the lump on the ground. He turned the body over, revealing a pale skinned boy. He took hold of the lolling head, revealing the beautiful face covered by shiny raven hair. His eyes were closed, his plump lips red and for some reason dripping blood; his sharp nose complemented the enchanting face. The lustful man let go of his face, allowing the body to slump back to the floor limply.

"Gentlemen, it's time to decide what to do with him."


A/N: ummm, yunho is 18 and jaejoong is 15... so yah...
and there are going to smut scenes that are going to be f-locked. some non-consent.

like i promised, i wrote the first chapter this weekend  ^^
i'll update NEXT WEEKEND ^^

SOOO how was it? did you like it?

genre: smut, pairing: yoosu, genre: violence, fic: the warrior elite, pairing: yunjae, genre: angst

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