Silent Maze of Hide and Seek- Chapter 2

Jan 21, 2011 21:25

Title: Silent Maze of Hide and Seek
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae
Length: (2/8)
Genre: Horror, Angst, possible death
Rating: PG 13
Warning: (in later chapters) Violence, Gore, Sexual Content
Summary: Yunho is in a living nightmare. Will he be able to get out?...

A/N: made from Yunho's blood, sweat, and tears.

Previous: Prologue Chapter 1

Silent Maze of Hide and Seek
Chapter 2

Hesitating, Yunho carefully stepped towards the mysterious door labeled "Pain". At the time, he saw it less intimidating than the other choices. Yunho had always been able to endure physical pain, therefore, he felt more confident about entering that door than any other. He had no idea what these names meant, and unfortunately, he was about to find out. He took a step forward, his hand out-stretched and shaking. He placed it gently on the door-knob, and gave a light twist. The door clicked open, and he was met with a sudden gust of wind. Yunho took a deep breath and stepped into complete darkness; the door roughly shut behind him.

Inside, the darkness was overwhelming and it was as if his eyes weren’t even open. He frantically looked around, trying to find a light source. The creeper can't want me to just hang around here, can he? His senses were on high alert as he spotted a wavering brightness. He picked his way carefully, placing one foot infront of the other as he made his down the dark path.

For the nth time, Yunho found his ribcage hurting as he struggled to breath. He was afraid of what he might find, and was trying to keep his mind clean of any negative thoughts. As his surroundings slowly became more apparent, he noticed that he was inside what looked like the kitchen of the said mansion.

Yunho felt the hair on the back of his neck rising as he noticed the bloody knife sitting on the counter. He peeked around the intimidating kitchen, looking for another living soul... If there WERE any... He frowned inwardly when he realized no one was there. A yellow sticky note on the refrigerator caught his attention; he took the piece of paper in his slightly shaking hands. His eyes watered at the words written.

The directions are simple.
Open the cabinet door at the bottom right hand on the far end of the counter; there is a doll inside.
Make a long cut along the doll's arm.

If you survive, you'll be allowed to see Jaejoong.

Yunho re-read the note, growling in frustration as he wondered why in the world would the psychopath ask him to do such a thing. He shook his head as he took the knife, and opened the cabinet. Cold sweat settled on his forehead as he stared down the doll.
The icy-gaze of the porcelain doll remained on him, the snow-white skin glistening in the light. Yunho swallowed painfully.

"T-this doll-" His words were sharply cut off.

He could only stand and watch in horror as the doll started to twitch and come to life. The small body jumped out of Yunho's arms, startling him. The porcelain doll picked up a small white swiss army knife and turned around to face the mystified man.

"Oh you have GOT to be kidding me..." The tall man muttered under his breath.

He backed away slowly, while blindly reaching for the thick butcher knife sitting on the white counter. The doll got on top of the table, facing Yunho. Looking deep inside the glassy eyes, he could swear that he saw rage. The porcelain face held no emotion, but the dark eyes betrayed feelings that should only exist in humans. He clutched the handle of the sharp blade tighter, his fingers curling around the black plastic as he waited for something to happen.

"Come here."
The small boy shivered in fear as he shook his head no. Wrapping his dirty arms around himself, he dropped his gaze to the floor. The boy could hear footsteps behind him. The heavy thumps of a person walking stopped, making him cringe involuntarily.

Icy fingers landed on his shoulder.

"Let's go." The voice was calm and soothing, but he could hear the hidden threat behind them.

He didn't utter a word as he allowed the man wordlessly steer him inside.


Yunho's breathing was short and shallow. He could hear the loud wheezing that sounded throughout the room as he inhale and exhaled. His arms were bloody, with cuts here and there, a small gash could also be seen on his chest. He couldn't remember how long he had been fighting the little glass monster, but time held no meaning to him.

The clocked ticked effortlessly while he slowly drained himself of energy. A knife suddenly swung in frron of his face, this time making a deep slice in his flesh. Yunho gasped, feeling the burning sensation of the cold metal hitting his nerves, making him feel like his face was spliting in half. There was a long cut on the side of his face from his temple to under his jaw. 
Yunho's anger flared when he felt the crimson liquid slide down his chest. He grasped his butcher knife, as he charged at his enemy (A/N: lol his powerful enemy, the doll >w<). He raised his hand, ready to plunge the sharp blade on his opponent.

But instead of hearing a breaking sound, indicating that he had broken the demon doll, he crashed into the expensive looking cherry wood table. He felt the crystal vase originally on the table shattering, tearing into his sensitive tissue. He grunted, as he slumped against the ruined coffee table. The doll was now on his chest ready to make him bleed.
Yunho's mind went into over-drive as he grabbed his fallen knife and slashed at the side of the doll's arm.
Black substance oozed out of the long gash, flowing out on yunho's shirt. Yunho could feel the fowl smelling liquid bubbling on his shirt. Grey foam soon replaced the sticky substance, and the foam too disappeared in mere seconds. Yunho blinked tiredly, choosing to ignore the strange happening. He was way too tired.

As he shuffled around, he looked closely at the doll that had fallen to the ground, and broken to a million pieces on the hardwood floor. Taking a deep breath, Yunho looked around, observing the severity of the damage done to the previously clean room. The wallpapers were shredded, hanging off of the wall lifelessly while air conditioner made it wave in the silent atmosphere. Blood was splattered...well, everywhere.

Yunho could smell the unpleasant copper scent filling his nose.

He sighed as he closed his eyes, resting his tired body.


An earsplitting scream broke through the silent night.

Blood was spilt.


Yunho's eyes fluttered open. He was met with cold darkness. He could feel that he wasn't in the kitchen anymore. He groaned as he turned around.

He let out a chocked scream.

He understood now.


A/N: *sob* i think i failed my exam. T_T
im sorry to say i had to take it out on yunjae :( and so sorry for the short chapter!
Things To Think About:

1. So who did the memory belong to?
2. what was the deal with the doll?
3. *gets bricked* im sorry for the cliff hanger!
NOTE: *sigh* im going to try to type up the rest of the first chapter of 'The Warrior Elite' (the fic i asked you guys if you like about yunjae living in a warrior tribe, with violence and gore, ofcourse)
I'd like to thank everyone who had been commenting on my fics *bows* i have seen these people leave comments several times and i thank u <3

i worked my butt off for this chapter.
im in desperate need of cheering up!

fic: silent maze of hide and seek, genre: violence, pairing: yunjae, genre: horror, genre: angst

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